[AG-DEV] Running AG from CVS - missing scripts?

Christoph Willing willing at vislab.uq.edu.au
Thu Mar 15 14:55:59 CDT 2007

On 16/03/2007, at 5:45 AM, Andrew Ford wrote:

> I'm currently trying to run Access Grid directly from a source tree  
> checked out from CVS as described in README-developers, but I'm  
> having issues with the configuration setup when running CvsSetup.py  
> - when it gets to the generating interfaces step, it essentially  
> fails since it can't find wsdl2py.py & wsdl2dispatch.py (it doesn't  
> error out, but Access Grid won't start due to: ImportError: No  
> module named AGNodeService_client since that's in interfaces).  
> These python files apparently exist in an actual build of AG but  
> they're completely absent from a CVS checkout. I'd really rather be  
> able to run right from a CVS checkout instead of doing some sort of  
> hackish copy-script-from-dummy-build thing. Does anyone have any  
> experience with this?


You need to build/install ZSI before running CvsSetup, since thats  
what supplies wsdl2py.py & wsdl2dispatch.py in your system.


Christoph Willing                       +61 7 3365 8350
QCIF Access Grid Manager
University of Queensland

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