standard NTSC video as AG default

Justin Binns binns at
Fri Mar 26 10:18:43 CST 2004

Incidental side-comment - DV and HD-DV are the same bandwidth (19 Mbps)
unless transcoding is done, which will increase latency.  Don't know how
related it is to the current discussion, but it's a data point ;-)


On Fri, 2004-03-26 at 10:10, Robert Olson wrote:
> At 08:25 AM 3/26/2004, Ivan R. Judson wrote:
> >Additionally, there is work out there that's better than this:
> >
> >1) DVTS from Korea, already plugged into AG2
> >2) Our HD stuff
> >3) videolan stuff (NTSC+)
> Something to remember with the high-bw stuff is that it's really going to 
> require working multicast; I don't see many sites being comfortable with 
> hosting a bridge that's replicating multiple 19Mbps streams..
> --bob 

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