pyGlobus for current AG cvs

Eric Olson eolson at
Wed Mar 10 17:23:11 CST 2004

If you're getting an undefined ThreadingGSITCPSocketServer in cvs, this 
file defines an empty one.

-------------- next part --------------
# Keith R. Jackson, LBNL
# See Copyright for copyright notice!
The main interface to the Globus io module.

from pyGlobus import utilc
from pyGlobus.util import GlobusException, Buffer
import ioc
import SocketServer, socket, os, httplib
from import GSSContext
from import GSSCred
from pyGlobus import gsic

# Module Methods
def server_auth_callback(server, g_handle, remote_user, context):
    server.remote_user = remote_user
    # print "inside GSITCPServer.auth_callback. Remote user is %s" % remote_user
    return 1

def client_auth_callback(server, g_handle, remote_user, context):
    # print "inside client_auth_callback. Remote user is %s" % remote_user
    return 1

# Module Classes

class AuthDataException(GlobusException):

class IOBaseException(GlobusException):

class FileIOAttrException(GlobusException):

class NetIOAttrException(GlobusException):

class TCPIOAttrException(NetIOAttrException):

class AuthData:

    def __init__(self, handle=None):
        self._cbList = []
        ret = utilc.globus_module_activate(utilc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = AuthDataException("Unable to initialize the common module")
            raise ex
        ret = utilc.globus_module_activate(ioc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = AuthDataException("Unable to initialize the module")
            raise ex
        if handle == None:
            ret, handle = ioc.authorization_data_init()
            if not ret == 0:
                ex = AuthDataException(handle)
                raise ex
        self._handle = handle

    def __del__(self):
        for cb in self._cbList:
        ret, err = ioc.authorization_data_destroy(self._handle)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = AuthDataException(err)
            raise ex
        ret = utilc.globus_module_deactivate(ioc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = AuthDataException("unable to deactivate the module")
            raise ex
        ret = utilc.globus_module_deactivate(utilc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = AuthDataException("unable to deactivate the module")
            raise ex

    def set_identity(self, identity):
        ret, err = ioc.authorization_data_set_identity(self._handle, identity)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = AuthDataException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_identity(self):
        list = ioc.authorization_data_get_identity(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = AuthDataException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[2]

    def set_callback(self, callback, arg):
        ret, cbStruct = ioc.authorization_data_set_callback(self._handle,
                                                           callback, arg)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = AuthDataException(cbStruct)
            raise ex
        return cbStruct

    # Free's the underlying memory allocated for the callback structure.
    def free_callback(self, cbHandle):
        indx = self._cbList.index(cbHandle)
        del self._cbList[indx]
    # XXX This handle is only valid as long as this object exists.  When
    # the object is destroyed, the memory this handle points to is freed.
    def get_handle(self):
        return self._handle

class IOBase:

    def __init__(self, handle):
        self._handle = handle
        self._cbList = []
        ret = utilc.globus_module_activate(utilc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException("Unable to initialize the common module")
            raise ex
        ret = utilc.globus_module_activate(ioc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException("Unable to initialize the io module")
            raise ex

    def __del__(self):
        for cb in self._cbList:
        if not self._handle == None:
            except IOBaseException:
        ret = utilc.globus_module_deactivate(ioc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException("Unable to deactivate the io module")
            raise ex
        ret = utilc.globus_module_deactivate(utilc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException("Unable to deactivate the common module")
            raise ex

    def register_close(self, callback, arg):
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = IOBaseException("Unable to close uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        list = ioc.io_register_close(self._handle, callback, arg)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[1]
    def close(self):
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = IOBaseException("Unable to close uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        ret, err = ioc.io_close(self._handle)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException(err)
            raise ex

    def cancel(self, doCallbacks):
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = IOBaseException("Unable to cancel uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        ret, err = ioc.io_cancel(self._handle, doCallbacks)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException(err)
            raise ex

    def register_read(self, buffer, maxBytes, waitForBytes, callback, arg):
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = IOBaseException("Cannot read from uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        ret, cbHandle = ioc.io_register_read(self._handle, buffer.get_handle(),
                                            maxBytes, waitForBytes,
                                            callback, arg)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException(cbHandle)
            raise ex
        return cbHandle

    def try_read(self, buffer, maxBytes):
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = IOBaseException("Cannot read from uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        ret, bytesRead = ioc.io_try_read(self._handle,
                                        buffer.get_handle(), maxBytes)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException(bytesRead)
            raise ex
        return bytesRead

    def read(self, buffer, maxBytes, waitForBytes):
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = IOBaseException("Cannot read from uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        ret, bytesRead = ioc.io_read(self._handle, buffer.get_handle(),
                                    maxBytes, waitForBytes)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException(bytesRead)
            raise ex
        return bytesRead

    def register_write(self, data, dataLen, callback, arg):
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = IOBaseException("Cannot write to an uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        ret, cbHandle = ioc.io_register_write(self._handle, data, dataLen,
                                             callback, arg)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException(cbHandle)
            raise ex
        return cbHandle

    def try_write(self, data, maxLen):
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = IOBaseException("Cannot write to an uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        ret, bytesWritten = ioc.io_try_write(self._handle, data, maxLen)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException(bytesWritten)
            raise ex
        return bytesWritten

    def write(self, data, dataLen):
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = IOBaseException("Cannot write to an uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        ret, bytesWritten = ioc.io_write(self._handle, data, dataLen)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = IOBaseException(bytesWritten)
            raise ex
        return bytesWritten
    # Free's the underlying memory allocated for the callback structure.
    def free_callback(self, cbHandle):
        indx = self._cbList.index(cbHandle)
        del self._cbList[indx]
    # XXX This handle is only valid as long as this object exists.  When
    # the object is destroyed, the memory this handle points to is freed.
    def get_handle(self):
        return self._handle

class FileIOAttr:

    def __init__(self, handle = None):
        self._activated = 0
        ret = utilc.globus_module_activate(ioc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = FileIOAttrException("Unable to initialize the module")
            raise ex
        self._activated = 1
        if handle == None:
            ret, handle = ioc.fileattr_init()
            if not ret == 0:
                ex = FileIOAttrException("Unable to initialize the attr")
                raise ex
        self._handle = handle

    def __del__(self):
        ret = ioc.fileattr_destroy(self._handle)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = FileIOAttrException("unable to destroy the attr")
            raise ex
        ret = utilc.globus_module_deactivate(ioc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = FileIOAttrException("Unable to deactivate the module")
            raise ex

    # XXX This handle is only valid as long as this object exists.  When
    # the object is destroyed, the memory this handle points to is freed.
    def get_handle(self):
        return self._handle

class GSIFile:
    This is a file-like class that wraps a GSITCPSocket.
    def __init__(self, sock, mode):
        Initialize a GSIFile class.  the sock argument should be a GSITCPSocket.
        The mode argument is interpreted as for a file object, except that only
        'r' and 'w' are meaningful.
        self.readok = 0
        self.writeok = 0 = 1
        for char in mode[:]:
            if char == "r":
                self.readok = 1
                self.rbuf = Buffer(8192)
            if char == "w":
                self.writeok = 1
        self.sock = sock
        self.sock.refcount = self.sock.refcount + 1

    def __del__(self):
    def read(self, size=0,waitForBytes=1):
        Read size bytes, returning a string.
        if self.readok == 0:
            raise IOError, "File not open for reading"
        if size == 0:
            size = self.rbuf.get_size()
        if waitForBytes > size:
	    raise RuntimeException, "waitForBytes is larger than buffer_size" 
        elif self.rbuf.get_size() < size:
            self.rbuf = Buffer(size)
        nbytes =, size, waitForBytes)
        if nbytes < 1:
            return ""
        return self.rbuf.as_string(nbytes)
    def readline(self):
        Read a line, and return it.
        # There's probably a much more efficient way to implement this...
        str = ""
        while (1):
            s =
            if s == "":
            str = str + s[0]
            if s[0] == '\n':
        return str
    def write(self, str):
        Write a string to the socket.
        if self.writeok == 0:
            raise IOError, "File not open for writing"
        self.sock.write(str, len(str))
    def flush(self):
        In theory, flush any pending output.  In practice, this does nothing.
        if self.writeok == 0:
            raise IOError, "File not open for writing"

    def close(self):
        Close the associated socket.
        """ = 0

    def shutdown(self, n):
        Shutdown the associated socket.

class GSIInfile(GSIFile):
    def __init__(self, g_handle):
        GSIFile.__init__(self, g_handle, "r")

class GSIOutfile(GSIFile):
    def __init__(self, g_handle):
        GSIFile.__init__(self, g_handle, "w")

class GSITCPServer(SocketServer.BaseServer):

    """Base class for various socket-based server classes.

    Defaults to synchronous IP stream (i.e., TCP).

    Methods for the caller:

    - __init__(server_address, RequestHandlerClass)
    - serve_forever()
    - handle_request()  # if you don't use serve_forever()
    - fileno() -> int   # for select()

    Methods that may be overridden:

    - server_bind()
    - server_activate()
    - get_request() -> request, client_address
    - verify_request(request, client_address)
    - process_request(request, client_address)
    - close_request(request)
    - handle_error()

    Methods for derived classes:

    - finish_request(request, client_address)

    Class variables that may be overridden by derived classes or

    - address_family
    - socket_type
    - request_queue_size (only for stream sockets)
    - reuse_address

    Instance variables:

    - server_address
    - RequestHandlerClass
    - socket


    address_family = socket.AF_INET

    socket_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM

    request_queue_size = 5

    allow_reuse_address = 0

    def __init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass,
        """Constructor.  May be extended, do not override."""
        SocketServer.BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass)
        if tcpAttr == None:
            self.attr = TCPIOAttr()
            self.authdata = AuthData()
            self.authdata.set_callback(server_auth_callback, self)
            self.attr.set_authorization_mode(ioc.GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_AUTHORIZATION_MODE_CALLBACK, self.authdata)
            self.attr = tcpAttr
        self.delegated_cred = None
        self.socket = GSITCPSocket()

    def get_delegated_credential(self):
        return self.delegated_cred
    def server_bind(self):
        """Called by constructor to bind the socket.

        May be overridden.

        self.port = self.socket.create_listener(self.attr,
        # print "bound to port ", self.port
    def server_activate(self):
        """Called by constructor to activate the server.

        May be overridden.


    def server_close(self):
        """Called to clean-up the server.

        May be overridden.


    def fileno(self):
        """Return socket file number.

        Interface required by select().

        return self.socket.fileno()

    def get_request(self):
        """Get the request and client address from the socket.

        May be overridden.

            (request, client_address) = self.socket.accept(self.attr)
            self.delegated_cred = request.get_delegated_credential()
        except GSITCPSocketException, ex:
            raise socket.error, ex.args
        return request, client_address

    def close_request(self, request):
        """Called to clean up an individual request."""

class GSITCPSocketException(IOBaseException):
    A sub-class of IOBaseException.

    Used to report errors in the GSITCPSocket class.


class GSITCPSocket(IOBase):
    A simple socket interface to secure Globus IO.

    Provides the ability to make strongly authenticated connetions using GSI. It
    supports several modes of authorization and provides optional integrity/privacy
    to the data.

    def __init__(self, handle = None):
        Constructs an instance.

        Each instance wraps a globus_io_handle_t object. An instance of this class
        may only have a single open connection at a time. To have more then one open
        connection, use multiple instances.
            - *handle* An optional argument that should contain a SWIG'ized pointer to
            a globus_io_handle_t object.
            An IOBaseException is thrown if unable to initialize the globus modules.
        IOBase.__init__(self, handle)
        self.refcount = 1
    def __del__(self):
        Destroys an instance.

            An IOBaseException is thrown if unable to deactivate the globus modules.
    def register_connect(self, host, port, attr, callback, arg):
        Asynchronous TCP connection establishment.

        Connect a TCP socket on the specified host/port pair. The connection will be
        started by this function, and a callback will be invoked when the connection is

            - *host* A string containing the host to connect to.

            - *port* An int containing the port to connect to.

            - *attr* A TCPIOAttr object with the appropriate attributes set.

            - *callback* Function to be called when the security handshake is
            complete. The function has the following prototype:
            'function(arg, handle, result)'

            arg is the user argument passed when setting the callback,
            handle is a SWIG'ized pointer to a globus_io_handle_t, and
            result is a SWIG'ized pointer to a globus_result_t object.

            - *arg* A user argument to be returned when the callback is executed.

            A GSITCPSocketException is thrown if the handle is currently in use,
            or an error occurs while making the connection.

            A SWIG'ized pointer to a callback handle. This handle can be free'd
            with a call to free_callback, or it will be free'd when the instance
            is destroyed.
        if not self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("Handle is already active")
            raise ex
        ret, cbHandle, handle = ioc.tcp_register_connect(host, port,
                                                        callback, arg)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(cbHandle)
            raise ex
        self._handle = handle
        return cbHandle

    def connect(self, host, port, attr):
        Blocking TCP connection establishment.

        Connect a TCP socket on the specified host/port pair.

            - *host* A string containing the host to connect to.

            - *port* An int containing the port to connect to.

            - *attr* A TCPIOAttr object with the appropriate attributes set.

            A GSITCPSocketException is thrown if the handle is currently in use,
            or an error occurs while making the connection.
        if not self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPException("Handle is already active")
            raise ex
        # print "calling connect h - %s  p - %d" %(host, port)
        ret, handle = ioc.tcp_connect(host, port, attr.get_handle())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(handle)
            raise ex
        self._handle = handle

    def create_listener(self, attr, port=0, backlog=-1):
        Create a TCP server socket.

        Creates a socket handle capable of accepting new TCP connections
        from other hosts or processes. In order to actually listen for
        connections, you must call either listen or register listen on this


            - *attr* A TCPIOAttr containing the attributes for this server.

            - *port* The TCP port that the socket will listen for connections on. If the
            port number is 0, then an arbitrary TCP port will be selected. If
            this is true, and the restrict_port attribute is set to TRUE (the
            default) and the GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE environment variable
            was set when Globus I/O was initialized, then the port will be
            selected from that range. Otherwise, any port number may be

            - *backlog* The backlog parameter indicates he maximum length of the
            system's queue of pending connections. Any connection attempts
            when the queue is full will fail. If backlog is equal to -1, then the
            system-specific maximum queue length will be used. 

            A GSITCPSocketException is thrown if the handle is currently in use,
            or an error occurs while making the connection.


            An int containing the port the server will listen on.
        if not self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("Handle is already active")
            raise ex
        ret, port, handle = ioc.tcp_create_listener(port, backlog, attr.get_handle())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(port)
            raise ex
        self._handle = handle
        return port

    def register_accept(self, attr, callback, arg):
        Asynchronous server-side TCP connection establishment.

        Once the connection has been accepted, the callback function will be called,
        with the arg and a newly created, connected, handle argument passed to the


            - *attr* A TCPIOAttr object containing the attributes for the new eonnection.

            - *callback*  Function to be called when the security handshake is
            complete. The function has the following prototype:
            'function(arg, handle, result)'

            arg is the user argument passed when setting the callback,
            handle is a SWIG'ized pointer to a globus_io_handle_t, and
            result is a SWIG'ized pointer to a globus_result_t object.

            - *arg* A user argument to be returned when the callback is executed.


            A GSITCPSocketException is thrown if a listener was not already created, or
            an error occures while doing the underlying register_accept.

            A tuple containing:

                - A new instance of GSITCPSocket for the new connetion, this must
                not be used until the callback occurs.

                - A callback handle. This can either be free'd with a call
                to free_callback, or all outstanding handles will be free'd when
                the instance is destroyed.
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("Unable to accept before creating a listener")
            raise ex
        ret, cbHandle, childHandle = ioc.tcp_register_accept(self._handle,
                                                            callback, arg)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(cbHandle)
            raise ex
        return GSITCPSocket(childHandle), cbHandle
    def accept(self, attr):
        Blocking server-side TCP connection establishment.


            - *attr* A TCPIOAttr object containing the attributes for the new eonnection.


            A GSITCPSocketException is thrown if a listener was not already created, or
            an error occures while doing the underlying accept.


            A new GSITCPSocket object for the new connection.
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("Unable to accept before creating a listener")
            raise ex
        ret, childHandle = ioc.tcp_accept(self._handle, attr.get_handle())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(childHandle)
            raise ex
        soc = GSITCPSocket(childHandle)
        ret, addr, port = ioc.tcp_get_remote_address(childHandle)
        return soc, (addr, port)

    def register_listen(self, callback, arg):
        Asynchronous wait until a client connection is pending.

        The method will issue a callback when a connection is pending.


            - *callback* The function to be called when a new connection
            is pending. The function has the following prototype:
            'function(arg, handle, result)'

            arg is the user argument passed when setting the callback,
            handle is a SWIG'ized pointer to a globus_io_handle_t, and
            result is a SWIG'ized pointer to a globus_result_t object.

            - *arg* A user argument to be returned when the callback is executed.


            A GSITCPSocketException is thrown if a listener was not already created, or
            an error occures while doing the underlying register_listen.


            A callback handle. The callback handle can either be free'd with a call
            to free_callback, or all outstanding handles will be free'd when the instance
            is destroyed.
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("Unable to listen before creating a listener")
            raise ex
        ret, cbHandle = ioc.tcp_register_listen(self._handle, callback, arg)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(cbHandle)
            raise ex
        return cbHandle

    def listen(self):
        Block until a client connection is pending.

        This method will block until a connection is pending. Once this method
        returns, accept may be called to return a new GSITCPSocket object.


            A GSITCPSocketException is thrown if a listener was not already created, or
            an error occures while doing the underlying listen.
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("Unable to listen before creating a listener")
            raise ex
        ret, err = ioc.tcp_listen(self._handle)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_local_address(self):
        Return the local IP and port.


            A GSITCPSocketException is thrown if a listener was not already created.


            A tuple containing:

                - The IP address of the local socket.

                - The port number.
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("Unable to get address from uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        list = ioc.tcp_get_local_address(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return (list[1], list[2])

    def get_remote_address(self):
        Return the remote IP and port.


            A GSITCPSocketException is thrown if a listener was not already created.


            A tuple containing:

                - The IP address of the remote socket.

                - The port number.
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("Unable to get address from uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        list = ioc.tcp_get_remote_address(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return (list[1], list[2])

    def get_security_context(self):
        Return the GSS security context.


            A GSITCPSocketException is thrown if a listener was not already created.


            A GSSContext object.
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("Unable to get context from uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        ret, context = ioc.tcp_get_security_context(self._handle)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(context)
            raise ex
        return GSSContext(context, 0)

    #Experimental GSS extensions
    def init_delegation(self, cred, oids, buffers, time_req):
        Delegate a credential to a remote entity.
           cred is the credential to delegate
           oids is the set of extension oids to add to the credential
           buffers is the set of extension values (must correspond to oids)
           time_req is the requested credential lifetime, in seconds.
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("unable to init delegation from unititialized handle")
            raise ex
        if cred == None:
            cred_handle = gsic.get_no_cred_const_ptr()
            cred_handle = cred.get_handle()
                            cred_handle, oids, buffers, time_req, self._handle)

    def accept_delegation(self, oids, buffers, time_req):
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("unable to accept delegation from unititialized handle")
            raise ex
        cred = gsic.accept_delegation(self.get_security_context().get_handle(),
                                     oids, buffers, time_req, self._handle)
        return GSSCred(cred, 0)
    def get_delegated_credential(self):
        Return the delegated credential.


            A GSSCredException is thrown if unable to return the credential.


            A GSSCred object.
        if self._handle == None:
            ex = GSITCPSocketException("Unable to get credential from uninitialized handle")
            raise ex
        ret, cred = ioc.tcp_get_delegated_credential(self._handle)
        if not ret == 0:
            # print "ret is %i" % ret
            # print "error is %s" % cred
            ex = GSITCPSocketException(cred)
            raise ex
        return GSSCred(cred, 0)
    def makefile(self, mode="r", bufsize=0):
        Create a GSIFile object from the socket.  Note:  unlike socket.makefile,
        this routine does NOT dup the socket.
        return GSIFile(self, mode)

    def shutdown(self, how):
        This should emulate socket.shutdown -- currently, this routine does
        nothing (it's simply here as a placeholder).
        # should really do something here ...
    def sendall(self, str):
        Emulates socket.send -- writes a string out over the socket.
        l = len(str)
        num = self.write(str, l)
        while num < l:
            l = l - num
            num = self.write(str[num:], l)

    def send(self, str):
        Emulates socket.send -- writes a string out over the socket.
        return self.write(str, len(str))

    def close(self):
        Close this socket, if there are no open GSIFile objects using it.
        self.refcount = self.refcount - 1
        if self.refcount < 1:

class GSITCPSocketServer(GSITCPServer):
   """Derives from the base GSITCPServer class.
   Allows applications using the default SocketServer class to use the
   GSI context supplied by Globus instead.
   If the application needs to connect both secure and non-secure
   connections, a seperate instance of GSITCPSocketServer can be created
   and run alongside the unsecure SocketServer.
   *Be sure to use different ports for both!*
   def __init__(self, addr, RequestHandlerClass,
      GSITCPServer.__init__(self, addr, RequestHandlerClass,
                                         channel_mode, delegation_mode, tcpAttr)
      self.socket.allow_reuse_address = 1
      # print "GSI server listening on %d" % (addr[1],)

   #NOTE: This doesn't always free up the addr
   def server_close(self):

class GSIRequestHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler):
   def handle(self):
       # print "GSIRequestHandler got a connection from %s" % (self.client_address,)
      cred = self.server.get_delegated_credential()
      self.server.delegated_cred = cred
      result = self.rfile.readline()
      while result:
         result = self.rfile.readline()


class ThreadingGSITCPSocketServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, GSITCPSocketServer):
       Threaded GSITCPSocketServer

class GSIHTTPConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection):
    "This class allows communication via SSL."

    def __init__(self, host, port=None, tcpAttr=None, **x509):
        httplib.HTTPConnection.__init__(self, host, port=None)

        if tcpAttr is None:
            self.io_attr = TCPIOAttr()
            authdata = AuthData()
            self.authdata = authdata
            authdata.set_callback(client_auth_callback, None)
            self.io_attr.set_authorization_mode(ioc.GLOBUS_IO_SECURE_AUTHORIZATION_MODE_CALLBACK, authdata)
            self.io_attr = tcpAttr

        self.response_class = httplib.HTTPResponse
        # hack: port is not being coppied to self.port by HTTPConnection.__init__
        if port:
            self.port = port
        if self.debuglevel > 0:
            print "GSIHTTPconnection.__init__"
            print "GSIHTTPConnection host=%s  port=%d  shost=%s  sport=%d" %(host, port,, self.port)
    def connect(self):
        self.sock = GSITCPSocket()
        self.sock.connect(, self.port, self.io_attr)
        if self.debuglevel > 0:
            print "connect: (%s, %s)" % (, self.port)
    def close(self):
        if self.debuglevel > 0:
            print "close: (%s, %s)" % (, self.port)

class GSIHTTP(httplib.HTTP):
    def __init__(self, host='', port=None, tcpAttr=None, **x509):
        #self._connection_class = GSIHTTPConnection
        # _connection_class is used as:
        # self._setup(self._connection_class(host, port))
        # in httplib.
        # So we can make the  class actually a lambda that passes along the
        # attributes.
        class ConnFactory:
            def __init__(self, attr):
                self.attr = attr

            def __call__(self, host, port, strict = None):
                return GSIHTTPConnection(host, port, tcpAttr = self.attr)
        self._connection_class = ConnFactory(tcpAttr)
#        self._connection_class = lambda host, port, tcpAttr = tcpAttr:  \
#              GSIHTTPConnection(host, port, tcpAttr=tcpAttr) 
        httplib.HTTP.__init__(self, host, port)

class NetIOAttr:

    def __init__(self):
        self._activated = 0
        self._handle = None
        self._authData = None
        ret = utilc.globus_module_activate(utilc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException("Unable to initialize the common module")
            raise ex
        ret = utilc.globus_module_activate(ioc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException("Unable to initialize the io module")
            raise ex
        self._activated = 1

    def __del__(self):
        ret = utilc.globus_module_deactivate(ioc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException("Unable to deactivate the io module")
            raise ex
        ret = utilc.globus_module_deactivate(utilc.get_module())
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException("Unable to deactivate the common module")
            raise ex

    def set_reuseaddr(self, reuse):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_socket_reuseaddr(self._handle, reuse)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_reuseaddr(self):
        list = ioc.attr_get_socket_reuseaddr(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[2]

    def set_keepalive(self, keepAlive):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_socket_keepalive(self._handle, keepAlive)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_keepalive(self):
        list = ioc.attr_get_socket_keepalive(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[2]

    def set_linger(self, linger, lingerTime):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_socket_linger(self._handle, linger, lingerTime)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_linger(self):
        list = ioc.attr_get_socket_linger(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[2], list[3]

    def set_oobinline(self, inline):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_socket_oobinline(self._handle, inline)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_oobinline(self):
        list = ioc.attr_get_socket_oobinline(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[2]

    def set_sndbuf(self, sndbuf):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_socket_sndbuf(self._handle, sndbuf)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_sndbuf(self):
        list = ioc.attr_get_socket_sndbuf(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[2]

    def set_rcvbuf(self, rcvbuf):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_socket_rcvbuf(self._handle, rcvbuf)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_rcvbuf(self):
        list = ioc.attr_get_socket_rcvbuf(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = NetIOAttrException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[2]

    # XXX This handle is only valid as long as this object exists.  When
    # the object is destroyed, the memory this handle points to is freed.
    def get_handle(self):
        return self._handle
class TCPIOAttr(NetIOAttr):

    def __init__(self, handle = None):
        if handle == None:
            ret, handle = ioc.tcpattr_init()
            if not ret == 0:
                ex = TCPIOAttrException("Unable to initialize the attr")
                raise ex
        self._handle = handle

    def __del__(self):
        ret, err = ioc.tcpattr_destroy(self._handle)
        self._handle = None
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex
    def set_restrict_port(self, restrict):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_tcp_restrict_port(self._handle, restrict)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_restrict_port(self):
        list = ioc.attr_get_tcp_restrict_port(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[2]

    def set_nodelay(self, nodelay):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_tcp_nodelay(self._handle, nodelay)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_nodelay(self):
        list = ioc.attr_get_tcp_nodelay(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[2]

    def set_interface(self, interface):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_tcp_nodelay(self._handle, interface)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_interface(self):
        list = ioc.attr_get_tcp_interface(self._handle)
        if not list[0] == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(list[1])
            raise ex
        return list[2]

    def set_authentication_mode(self, mode, cred = None):
        if cred == None:
            cred = gsic.get_no_cred_const()
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_secure_authentication_mode(self._handle,
                                                          mode, cred)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_authentication_mode(self):
        ret, mode, cred = ioc.attr_get_secure_authentication_mode(self._handle)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(mode)
            raise ex
        return mode, cred

    def set_authorization_mode(self, mode, authData):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_secure_authorization_mode(self._handle,
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex
        self._authData = authData

    def get_authorization_mode(self):
        if self.authData is None:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException("Auth Mode is not set")
            raise ex
        ret, mode = ioc.attr_get_secure_authorization_mode(self._handle,
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(mode)
            raise ex
        return mode

    def set_channel_mode(self, mode):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_secure_channel_mode(self._handle, mode)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_channel_mode(self):
        ret, mode = ioc.attr_get_secure_channel_mode(self._handle)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(mode)
            raise ex
        return mode

    def set_protection_mode(self, mode):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_secure_protection_mode(self._handle, mode)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_protection_mode(self):
        ret, mode = ioc.attr_get_secure_protection_mode(self._handle)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(mode)
            raise ex
        return mode

    def set_delegation_mode(self, mode):
        ret, err = ioc.attr_set_secure_delegation_mode(self._handle, mode)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(err)
            raise ex

    def get_delegation_mode(self):
        ret, mode = ioc.attr_get_secure_delegation_mode(self._handle)
        if not ret == 0:
            ex = TCPIOAttrException(mode)
            raise ex
        return mode

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