Service Cert integration AGEP

Thomas D. Uram turam at
Wed Mar 10 15:46:10 CST 2004

Actually, I'd like to get through this today, to see what comments 
people have and decide whether it's going in or not.  Can we meet in the 
lib at 4?


Thomas D. Uram wrote:

> Here are details of how we might facilitate the use of service 
> certificates to run venue servers and such.  I'd like to talk through 
> this Thursday morning, to get agreement and measure the effort 
> required.  Please have a look before then.
> Tom
>Display Node Service
>:version: $Revision: 1.1 $
>:author: Ivan R. Judson <judson at>
>:status: Draft
>:contact: ag-tech at
>This proposal describes the design of a minimal display service for
>window and linux that will provide a developmental basis for exploring
>layout work. This is partially to enable internal research on layout,
>but also to allow the exploration of how to use nodes without
>necessarily having to log into them. This also provides a set of
>initial requirements and an interface for exotic displays to conform
>to, in order to be trivially represented by the existing service.
>This AGEP describes the data structures and interfaces required to
>build a simple display service. This display service can be used on
>the existing AG reference platforms and can be extended to support
>tiled displays. This is a basis to build display related AG research
>both on tiled displays and on automatic layout and intelligent
>Summary of Modifications
>All modifications take the form of new code. This is contained in a
>new node service, the DisplayService.
>Module Organization
>Deprecated Packages
>  class WindowSpec
>    id : unique id
>    sizeX : integer
>    sizeY : integer
>    locationX : integer
>    locationY : integer
>    def GetId(self): => id
>    def GetSize(self) => (sizeX, sizeY)
>    def GetSizeX(self): => sizeX 
>    def GetSizeY(self): => sizeY
>    def GetLocation(self): => (locationX, locationY)
>    def GetLocationX(self): => locationX 
>    def GetLocationY(self): => locationY
>  class Region
>    id  : unique id
>    x1 : integer
>    y1 : integer
>    x2 : integer
>    y2 : integer
>    def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, id = None):
>    def GetBoundingBox(self): => (x1, y1, x2, y2)
>    def GetId(self): => id
>  class Layout
>    regionList : List of Regions
>    wspecList : List of WindowSpecs
>    regionMap : list of tuples (Region, WindowSpec)
>    def GetRegions(self): => regionList
>    def AddRegion(self, region):
>    def RemoveRegion(self, region):
>    def GetWindows(self): => wspecList
>    def AddWindow(self, wspec):
>    def RemoveWindow(self, wspec):
>    def GetLayout(self) => regionMap
>    def SetLayout(self, regionMap):
>  class DisplayService
>    id : string
>    location : string [protocol://<host>:<port>/]  
>      - examples: 
>        - x://host:0
>        - windows://host
>        - vnc://host:port/
>        - rdp://host:port/)
>    displayWidth : integer
>    displayHeight : integer
>    displayDepth : integer
>    windowList : list of window Id's
>    regionList : list of empty regions
>    def GetLocation(self):
>    def GetWindows(self):
>    def GetRegions(self):
>    def GetLocation(self):
>    def GetId(self):
>    def GetWidth(self):
>    def GetHeight(self):
>    def GetDepth(self):
>  class DisplayServiceI:
>    def GetLocation(self)
>    def GetWindows(self):
>    def GetRegions(self):
>    def GetLocation(self):
>    def GetId(self):
>    def GetWidth(self):
>    def GetHeight(self):
>    def GetDepth(self):
>Security Issues
>There are no security issues associated with this particular node
>service, it falls under the node management security domain.
>Interoperability Issues
>There are no interoperability issues with this node service, it is new.
>Packaging Dependancies
>This package depends upon certain external packages to function. On
>windows the win32 extensions by Mark Hammond provide most of the
>functionality required (enough for now). On linux, using X a separate
>module must be used. The Xlib module, from sourceforge is GPL. We'll
>have to consider whether that's a problem or not.
>Related AGEPs
>- AGEP 120: Shared App/Node Service Packaging
>To be completed.
>This document is Copyright 2003, The University of Chicago/Argonne
>National Laboratory.
>   Local Variables:
>   mode: indented-text
>   indent-tabs-mode: nil
>   sentence-end-double-space: t
>   fill-column: 70
>   End:
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