Globus versions

Robert Olson olson at
Tue Aug 5 11:20:58 CDT 2003

At 11:15 AM 8/5/2003 -0500, Ivan R. Judson wrote:

>I'd like us to start a thread with the globus folks and keith to come to
>some concrete plan on how we can get the stuff we need into their code (in a
>reasonable time frame).  I'm not sure the bug fixes you're talking about
>impact the new windows work -- what might be the issues there.

The bugfixes are to the core pyGlobus code, things that would affect both 
linux and windows. (this includes the asynch IO support).

I do have CVS checkin perms on the pyGlobus site.

>I hate to agree with your plan (I'd rather have stuff fixed), but the
>conservative path seems prudent at this point, sigh.

I agree; howver, it's worth the wait if we can get to a 2.4 baseline on all 
platforms with a single effort.


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