pyopenssl and openssl 0.9.7

Robert Olson olson at
Thu Apr 3 06:42:46 CST 2003

At 06:33 AM 4/3/2003 -0600, Ivan R. Judson wrote:
>So 0.9.7 and pyopenssl with vc6 work, 0.9.7 pyopenssl and don't?
>Is that correct?

Yes. The probelm is that there are a couple symbols that show up as 
undefined when compiling with, symbols that aren't there in the code.

Hmm, I apparently ran into that in a different cirumstance; today an 
attempt at this results in a compile error on a pyOpenSSL file that I think 
is related to a symbol clash between an X509_NAME that's defined in 
WinCrypt.h, so it might be possible to fix it up.


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