[Nek5000-users] wavelet decomposition

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Fri Oct 27 14:34:02 CDT 2017

Dear all,

I would like to perform a wavelet decomposition on my DNS data of
stratified turbulence generated using Nek5000. The details of the
decomposition to extract coherent vorticies is explained in this paper:

Farge, M., Schneider, K., Pellegrino, G., Wray, A. A., & Rogallo, R. S.
(2003). Coherent vortex extraction in three-dimensional homogeneous
turbulence: Comparison between CVS-wavelet and POD-Fourier
decompositions. *Physics
of Fluids*, *15*(10), 2886-2896.

I am wondering if anyone in our community has had any experience with
integrating the wavelet analysis with Nek5000 in the post-processing mode?

If not, would you suggest performing such a decomposition in the VisIt
Python Interface using a python package like PyWavelets for example?

Thanks a lot for the help,

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