[Swift-commit] r4927 - wwwdev/main

vytas at ci.uchicago.edu vytas at ci.uchicago.edu
Tue Aug 2 10:25:10 CDT 2011

Author: vytas
Date: 2011-08-02 10:25:07 -0500 (Tue, 02 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 4927

original replacement file - contents is now in index.php

Deleted: wwwdev/main/index2.php
--- wwwdev/main/index2.php	2011-08-01 22:15:41 UTC (rev 4926)
+++ wwwdev/main/index2.php	2011-08-02 15:25:07 UTC (rev 4927)
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
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-      A system for rapid and reliable specification, execution, and management of large scale workflows.
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-    <p class="indented">
-      <b>Swift</b> is a system for the <b>rapid</b> and <b>reliable</b> specification, execution, and management of <b>large-scale</b> science and engineering <b>workflows</b>. It supports applications that execute many tasks coupled by disk-resident datasets—as is common, for example, when analyzing large quantities of data or performing parameter studies or ensemble simulations. </p>
-	  <p class="highlight-A">A simple scripting language to enable the concise, high-level specifications of complex parallel computations, and mappers for accessing diverse data formats in a convenient manner.</p>
-	  <p class="highlight-B">An execution engine that can manage the dispatch of many (10,000) tasks to many (100) processors, whether on parallel computers, campus grids, or multi-site grids.</p>
-	  <p class="indented">Swift users have achieved multiple-order-of-magnitude savings in program development and execution time.</p>
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-     	 What Users Are Saying
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-		<p class="quote">A few lines of SwiftScript described how our analysis procedures should be applied to thousands of fMRI images. Our computation was performed quickly and reliably. Life is good.</p>
-		<p class="quote-speaker">Dr. Marielle Goodwin<br />
-Director of Brain Trauma Research<br />
-University of Chicago Hospitals</p>
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-		<h5>Paper Published</h5>
-		<p>Swift: A Language for Distributed Parallel Scripting</p>
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