[petsc-users] Slower performance using more MPI processes

Chris Hewson chris at resfrac.com
Fri Sep 8 15:52:54 CDT 2023

Hi There,

I am trying to solve a linear problem and am having an issue when I use
more MPI processes with the KSPsolve slowing down considerably the more
processes I add.

The matrix itself is 620100 X 620100 with ~5 million non-zero entries, I am
using petsc version 3.19.5 and have tried with a couple different versions
of mpich getting the same behavior (v4.1.2 w/ device ch4:ofi and v3.3.2 w/

In testing, I've noticed the following trend for speed for the KSPSolve
function call:
1 core: 4042 ms
2 core: 7085 ms
4 core: 26573 ms
8 core: 65745 ms
16 core: 149283 ms

This was all done on a single node machine w/ 16 non-hyperthreaded cores.
We solve quite a few different matrices with PETSc using MPI and haven't
noticed an impact like this on performance before.

I am very confused by this and am a little stumped at the moment as to why
this was happening. I've been using the KSPBCGS solver to solve the
problem. I have tried with multiple different solvers and pre-conditioners
(we usually don't use a pre-conditioner for this part of our code).

It did seem that using the piped BCGS solver did help improve the parallel
speed slightly (maybe 15%), but it still doesn't come close to the single
threaded speed.

I'll attach a link to a folder that contains the specific A, x and b
matrices for this problem, as well as a main.cpp file that I was using for


I was testing this in our main code base, but don't include that here, and
observe very similar speed results to the ones above. We do use Metis to
graph partition in our own code and checked the vector and matrix
partitioning and that all made sense. I could be doing the partitioning
incorrectly in the example (not 100% sure how it works with the viewer/load

Any insight or thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.


*Chris Hewson*
Senior Reservoir Simulation Engineer
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