[petsc-users] meaning of constants in classical iterations

Ed Bueler elbueler at alaska.edu
Thu Jan 19 19:13:22 CST 2017

Dear PETSc --

In my humble opinion, the answers to the following rather basic questions
are missing from the petsc users manual.  At least in part, I am not
certain what the answers are.

Question 1:   What formula does the preconditioned Richardson iteration
(-ksp_type richardson -pc_type X) satisfy and where does the scale
(-ksp_richardson_scale alpha) go?

Answer?:  In the left-preconditioned form I would guess it is

(*)         x_{k+1} = x_k + alpha M_L^{-1} (b - A x_k),

where M_L is the matrix implied by -pc_type X.  If so this makes option

-ksp_type richardson -pc_type jacobi [-ksp_richardson_scale 1]

into the classical Jacobi iteration

x_{k+1} = x_k + D^{-1} (b - A x_k) = D^{-1} (b - (L+U)x_k)

where A = D+L+U and D is the diagonal of A.

I am pretty sure this answer is right, but equation (*) should probably be
somewhere in the manual!

Question 2.  What formula is the (non-symmetric) SOR satisfying, and where
do the constants -pc_sor_omega and -pc_sor_diagonal_shift delta go?

Answer?:  My understanding is first that the classical Jacobi,
Gauss-Seidel, and SOR iterations are all regarded by PETSc developers as
left-preconditioned Richardson iterations, so names "jacobi" and "sor"
describe PC objects and these classical iterations are all KSP type
"richardson".  That is, they are all instances of (*).

(RANT:  There is no clear statement of this excellent philosophy in the
users manual, and it would help a lot of students of PETSc!  While some
references share it, reading standard literature, including relevant wiki
pages, is not healthful on this topic.  Because the literature does not
necessarily parallel PETSc thinking, it requires constant mental
translation.  This is bad when it comes to setting parameters at runtime!)

Supposing the above philosophy, and that A = D+L+U with the usual meanings,
then I guess SOR is

(**)    x_{k+1} = x_k + alpha (omega^{-1} (D+delta) + L)^{-1} (b - A x_k),

In case alpha=1, omega=1, delta=0 then (**) becomes Gauss-Seidel:

-ksp_type richardson -pc_type sor [-ksp_richardson_scale 1 -pc_sor_omega 1
-pc_sor_diagonal_shift 0]

Especially because it involves three user-controlled constants, equation
(**) could usefully be stated somewhere in the manual ... supposing it is

Question 3.  What is the probability that a PETSc developer will address
the above two questions by telling me that classical iterations are lame?

Answer:  Not the point!  These iterations are used blockwise (e.g. ASM) and
as smoothers in many proper PETSc applications.  Clarity is helpful!

Thanks for the great tool, as usual!


Ed Bueler
Dept of Math and Stat and Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6660
301C Chapman and 410D Elvey
907 474-7693 <(907)%20474-7693> and 907 474-7199 <(907)%20474-7199>  (fax 907
474-5394 <(907)%20474-5394>)
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