[petsc-users] Simple question regarding dense matrix algebra using elemental

Hong hzhang at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Apr 12 21:47:15 CDT 2015

You can either use elemental directly, or use petsc-elemental interface. An
example can be found at

You may use petsc KSP interface instead. I just modified
so this example can be run with elemental with runtime options
mpiexec -n 3 ./ex2 -pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_package elemental
-mat_type elemental
Norm of error 2.81086e-15 iterations 1

Please using petsc-dev (master branch) for petsc-elemental interface.


On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 6:57 PM, Preyas Shah <shah.preyas at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been recently investigating the use of Petsc for solving a PDE
> related to my research and web search suggests that I should use petsc with
> elemental.
> So far, I was required to solve a matrix equation Ax=b where A was dense
> (with number of non zeros =0) but the size of the matrix was order
> 5000x5000. I employed the standard serial LU solver from Gnu Scientific
> Library and obtained a decent runtime that served my needs.
> Now I am investigating the same problem in a particularly singular limit
> of one parameters in my PDE. As a result, to obtain grid convergence on the
> physical domain, I am forced to go to sizes of A beyond 30000x30000. I am
> trying to find a good library that can solve such dense systems in
> **parallel**. Petsc says its capable of doing dense linear algebra but my
> web search hasn't shown me any examples where dense equations are solved in
> **parallel**. A webpage showing a minimum working example would be enough.
> Or any other advice :)
> Thanks for your time!
> ​~Preyas
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