[petsc-users] Petsc performance

Marzouki Sondos sondes.marzouki at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 09:01:34 CDT 2014


I still  hesitate whether to use Petsc library or not. And to take my
decision I have some questions. Please can you help me?

Let s suppose that I have two matrixes having the same dimension, A0 and A1
but A0 is sparser than A1. Which means that A0 have less number of non

My question is: Is Petsc less efficient( time) for dense matrix??

Any suggestions or clarifications are welcome
Thanks a lot,
Sondos Marzouki, Science of Computer Engineer

Tel: +216 27 66 32 24
Address:  8300, St-Patrick Street, Suite 300, Montreal, QC, H8N 2H1, CANADA

Skype: sondes.marzouki
*sondos at emworks.com <sondos at emworks.com>*
EMWorks Inc
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