[petsc-users] include/finclude/petscsysdef.h and daimag

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Oct 1 21:42:39 CDT 2014


   Thanks for the report. I am not sure why we use the d.. version of any of those functions. I have eliminated them in the branch barry/remove-dreal and merged that to next. If all the testing looks good on it we will put it into maint (the next patch) and master.


On Sep 29, 2014, at 3:42 PM, Randall Mackie <rlmackie862 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I recently ran into an issue with include/finclude/petscsysdef.h and the definition of PetscImaginaryPart, which is defined as daimag(a) in the case PETSC_MISSING_DREAL is not defined.
> 1) As far as I know, daimag is not a valid fortran statement, and I suspect that here you might want dimag.
> 2) That being said, I was wondering why all my compiles using gfortran worked fine and didn't complain, whereas an Intel 2015 compilation did complain about daimag.
> Turns out Intel and gfortran have different behaviors for the dreal test in config/BuildSystem/config/types.py.
> Gfortran gives an *error* saying the argument in the call to dreal should be COMPLEX(8) and not REAL(4), whereas Intel just *warns* that the argument data type is incompatible with the intrinsic procedure. Since gfortran does not compile the dreal code test, it sets PETSC_MISSING_DREAL to 1, and uses aimag.
> But I'm curious just what exactly you are trying to test for? DREAL is a valid extension if the argument is double complex. So dreal(dcmplx(3.0,0.0)) will work just fine, but your test of dreal(3.0) is not a valid statement and should fail.
> Furthermore, I'm not sure I understand the need for the dreal stuff, since real, conjg, aimag all return values of the same kind as the argument for the case of complex variables.
> Thanks, Randy Mackie

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