[petsc-users] Fortran 77 VecGetArray problems

Valerio Grazioso graziosov at libero.it
Sat Nov 22 10:43:21 CST 2014

Ok, I’ll use VecGetArrayF90.

Thanks for the heads up


On 22/nov/2014, at 16:08, Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> Great!
> BTW: since most compilers (including gfortran) now support F90 - its
> best to use VecGetArrayF90 - instead of VecGetArray() [eventhough the
> rest of the code is F77]
> Satish
> On Sat, 22 Nov 2014, Valerio Grazioso wrote:
>> Ehi Barry,
>> thanks a lot… that was the problem: I had the -fbounds-check flag of gfortran in my Makefile…removing it everything is ok !
>> (Of course …it was in the manual…  !! :)   )
>> Valerio
>> On 21/nov/2014, at 14:18, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>>> On Nov 20, 2014, at 9:19 PM, Valerio Grazioso <graziosov at libero.it> wrote:
>>>> Dear Petsc Users,
>>>> I’m trying to write a simple parallel linear solver (A*x=q) in fortran 77 with Petsc.
>>>> I managed to Setup a MPIAIJ matrix A  and a VecMPI qvec
>>>> then the KSP and the solution.
>>>> Everything seems fine (I’ve checked both A and q with MatView and VecView) but I’m having problems getting the solution in a “normal” local double precision fortran vector.
>>>> To be more than sure I’ve tried to repeat the necessary steps in order to achieve this result on qvec :
>>>> After creating and calling a VecScatter in order to bring a sequential version on all the processors (as described in 
>>>> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-as/documentation/faq.html#mpi-vec-to-mpi-vec)
>>>> I’ve tried to use VecGetValue as described in the User manual in the Fortran users chapter (pag. 147-148)
>>>> It seems to fail in both the local xx_v vector (that has wrong values) and in calculating the i_x index offset that has a very large negative value
>>>> that, when it is used, generates an obvious “Aut of bound” error.
>>>  It is completely possible that i_x is a very large negative value, in fact it usually is.
>>>  From the users manual:  Note: If using VecGetArray(), MatDenseGetArray(), or ISGetIndices(), from Fortran, the user must not compile the Fortran code with options to check for “array entries out of bounds” (e.g., on the IBM RS/6000 this is done with the -C compiler option, so never use the -C option with this).
>>> My guess is that your Fortran compiler is checking for array out of bounds and (of course) finding them since xx_v() is declared as xx_v(1). You need to turn of this array bounds checking when compiling. Or you can use VecGetArrayF90().
>>>  Barry
>>>> I’ve tried to use VecGetValue also on qvec directly : same result!
>>>> There must be something wrong that I’m doing.
>>>> Can anybody point me in the right direction?
>>>> Thanks 
>>>> Regards
>>>> Valerio Grazioso
>>>> Here it is the relevant code:
>>>> #define xx_a(ib)  xx_v(i_x + (ib))
>>>> …………………..  
>>>>    Vec         xSEQ
>>>>    PetscScalar xx_v(1)
>>>>    PetscOffset i_x
>>>>    ……………………..
>>>>   ………………..
>>>>    write(6,'(a,i2,a)'),"Processor  ",mpi_rank,": petsc_solve ---> VecCreate"
>>>>    call VecCreate(comm,qvec,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)     
>>>>    write(6,'(a,i2,a)'),"Processor  ",mpi_rank,": petsc_solve ---> VecSetSizes"
>>>>    call VecSetSizes(qvec,PETSC_DECIDE,NCELL,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>    write(6,'(a,i2,a)'),"Processor  ",mpi_rank,": petsc_solve ---> VecSetFromOptions"
>>>>    call VecSetFromOptions(qvec,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>    write(6,'(a,i2,a)'),"Processor  ",mpi_rank,": petsc_solve ---> VecDuplicate"
>>>>    call VecDuplicate(qvec,xvec,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>    write(6,'(a,i2,a)'),"Processor  ",mpi_rank,": petsc_solve ---> VecGetOwnershipRange"
>>>>    call VecGetOwnershipRange(qvec,Istart,Iend,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>    write(6,'(a,i2,a,2i8)'),"Processor  ",mpi_rank,": petsc_solve ---> Istart,Iend (Vet)=", Istart,Iend
>>>>    do Iproc = 0,(mpi_size-1)
>>>>      if (Iproc == mpi_rank) then 
>>>>        do I= (Istart+1), (Iend)
>>>> C            write(6,'(a,i2,a,2i8)'),"Processor  ",mpi_rank,": petsc_solve ---> MatSetValues",I,I
>>>>          call VecSetValues(qvec,1,I-1,SU(I),INSERT_VALUES,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>          call VecSetValues(xvec,1,I-1,0.E0,INSERT_VALUES,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>        enddo
>>>>      endif
>>>>    enddo
>>>>    write(6,'(a,i2,a)'),"Processor  ",mpi_rank,": petsc_solve ---> VecAssemblyBegin"
>>>>    call VecAssemblyBegin(qvec,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>    call VecAssemblyEnd(qvec,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr) 
>>>>    call VecAssemblyBegin(xvec,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr) 
>>>>    call VecAssemblyEnd(xvec,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr) 
>>>>    write(6,'(a,i2,a)'),"Processor  ",mpi_rank,": petsc_solve ---> VecAssemblyEnd"
>>>> C ---------------------------------  DEBUG -------------------------------------
>>>>    if (1 == 1) then
>>>>       call VecScatterCreateToAll(qvec,ctx,xSEQ,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>       call VecScatterBegin(ctx,qvec,xSEQ,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD,ierr)
>>>>       CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>       call VecScatterEnd(ctx,qvec,xSEQ,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD,ierr)
>>>>       CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>       call VecScatterDestroy(ctx,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>> C         call PetscViewerCreate(comm, view, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>> C         call PetscViewerSetType(view, PETSCVIEWERASCII, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>> C         call PetscViewerSetFormat(view, PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII_INDEX, ierr)
>>>> C         CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>> C         call PetscViewerFileSetName(view, 'qvec.m', ierr)
>>>> C         call VecView(xSEQ, view, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>> C         call PetscViewerDestroy(view, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>       call VecGetArray(xSEQ,xx_v,i_x,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>          write(6, *) (xx_a(I), I=1,NCELL)
>>>>          write(6,'(a,i20)')"i_x = ", i_x 
>>>>       call VecRestoreArray(xSEQ,xx_v,i_x,ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>       call PetscFinalize(ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>>>       STOP
>>>>    endif
>>>> C ---------------------------------- END DEBUG ------------------------------

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