[petsc-users] Memory corruption with two-dimensional array and PetscMemzero

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Tue May 20 09:25:00 CDT 2014

Christophe Ortiz <christophe.ortiz at ciemat.es> writes:
> Would the following be ok ?
> //Creation of vector X of size dof*dof:
> VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF,dof*dof,&X);
> // Using two-dimensional array style:
> PetscScalar *x;

This needs to be

  PetscScalar **x;

as you would have noticed if you tried to compile.

> VecGetArray2d(X,dof,dof,0,0,&x);
> x[i][j] = ...;


> Is it ok ?
> Then, what should be passed to MatSetValuesBlocked() ?

Since the array starts are (0,0), you can just pass &x[0][0].

Remember to call VecRestoreArray2d() and eventually VecDestroy().
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