[petsc-users] matload big matrix

Wen Jiang jiangwen84 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 2 12:31:46 CDT 2012

Thanks for your reply.

How long is it taking? What file system are you reading the matrix from?

    It seems to never finish. Sorry, I do not know what does the file
system mean.

What version of PETSc is this? How was the file generated?  How many
processes are you using? Does it work on less processes (like 1, 2 )?  How
many nonzeros in the matrix (roughly)?

    I am using 64 processes. The nonzeros in the matrix is around 8

    I am using PETSc dev. But the binary file was generated by PETSc 3.2

I just tried to use PETSc 3.2 to read and it had no problem. For a smaller
matrix, PETSc dev successfully read the binary file generated by PETSc 3.2.
But I do not know why it does not work for large matrix.


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