Kubuntu Linux + PETSc Question

Fernando Campos asdfgf at ig.com.br
Tue Dec 19 13:10:29 CST 2006

 Dear Aron, 

 We are using the blas/lapack 64 in the Umbuntu's repository, so I believe 
they are optimized already. 

 We have used many versions of Rocks clusters but lately we've decided to 
move to another distribution due many problems related to installation and 
maintenance of the nodes. Until now Rocks performed better ( when it is 
working :) ) than generic kernels.. we tried conectiva linux and now ubuntu. 
I don't know about a kernel similar to Rocks.. one made for scientific 
computing.. I know there are cluster packages like Oscar and Gluster. The 
farmer we haven't tried and the latter haven't worked.. 


Em (12:23:23), petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov escreveu: 

>Dear Fernando, 
>You'll also want to make sure you're using an optimized blas/lapack 
>for your architecture. 
>I'm guessing the ROCKS cluster kernel is better tuned for scientific 
>computing and network performance than the generic Kubuntu kernel. 
>Have you tried using a similar kernel to the one provided by ROCKS? 
>I'm interested in your results--I've also tinkered a bit with Ubuntu, 
>especially since the advanced intel compilers are available for free 
>on it and not in OS X. 
>On 12/19/06, Berend van Wachem wrote: 
>> Hi Fernando, 
>> Have you tried configuring PETSc with the option 
>> --with-debugging=0 
>> That should generate optimized code. 
>> For using hypre, you can specify 
>> --download-hypre=yes 
>> Good luck, 
>> Berend. 
>> > Dear All, 
>> > 
>> > I've found that, for my application, the PETSc that comes in Kubuntu 
>> > 64 is twice faster than the one we can get in the PETSc's site. I want 
>> > use Hypre in my application, but I don't know how to use Hypre with the 
>> > already compiled PETSc library in Kubuntu. Can you give me some hints 
>> > this task? Or maybe tell what should be reason for this difference in 
>> > performance.. maybe I need some flags in order to optimize PETSc 
>> > from the site? 
>> > 
>> > Thank you. 
>> > 
>> > Fernando Campos 

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