[petsc-dev] configure default to --with-etags=0 ?

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Sep 8 16:14:44 CDT 2014

  Sure that is Xcode naming

On Sep 8, 2014, at 4:06 PM, Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> On Mon, 8 Sep 2014, Jed Brown wrote:
>> Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
>>> Hm - 18 sec on my linux laptop and (a new) ssd. [I wonder why the difference]
>> Don't know.  I use btrfs over dm-crypt (twofish-xts-plain).
>>> wrt es - perhaps the PATHs are longer [and they mostly point to nfs
>>> software] and thats affecting the run time. But I've seen multiple
>>> minutes spent on etags on various machines..
>>> When we added these defaults - primary 'repo' users were
>>> developrs. But now we want big chunk of our users to use repos. And
>>> also for ourselves we are now switching between branches - and these
>>> files are generated more frequently. So those initial assumptions
>>> [when we made these things default] are not really valid anymore..
>> I use GNU Global so I have no use for etags.
> Hm - another tool to learn..
> I guess I should look at speeding up etags [for usage from a git repo]
> balay at es^/scratch/balay/petsc(maint) $ date;git ls-files |grep -v systems/Apple/ | xargs etags;date
> Mon Sep  8 16:05:11 CDT 2014
> Mon Sep  8 16:05:12 CDT 2014
> We now have file names with spaces in the repo?
> balay at es^/scratch/balay/petsc(maint) $ git ls-files |grep ' '
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example/AppDelegate.h
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example/AppDelegate.m
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example-Info.plist
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example-Prefix.pch
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example/en.lproj/Credits.rtf
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example/en.lproj/MainMenu.xib
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc cocoa example/PETSc cocoa example/main.m
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc command line example/PETSc command line example.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc command line example/PETSc command line example/PETSc_command_line_example.1
> systems/Apple/OSX/examples/PETSc command line example/PETSc command line example/main.c
> Satish

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