[petsc-dev] [EXTERNAL] [pflotran-dev: 2696] Unintended consequence of CHKERRQ()

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Wed Dec 3 12:48:32 CST 2014

"Hammond, Glenn E" <gehammo at sandia.gov> writes:

> Can you explain why the NaNs or infs are being produced in the first place, or at least pinpoint the location and catch it there?

If the SNESFunction computes NaN because the state is invalid, please
call SNESSetFunctionDomainError and don't update the residual vector (or
don't put NaN in there).  SNES will clean up and return with

We don't do this by default because detecting NaN collectively requires
an extra reduction.  Perhaps SNES could have a mode that automatically

> Glenn
> From: pflotran-dev at googlegroups.com [mailto:pflotran-dev at googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Gautam Bisht
> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 8:36 AM
> To: pflotran-dev at googlegroups.com
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [pflotran-dev: 2695] Unintended consequence of CHKERRQ()
> The issue is that when SNES diverges with a "not-a-number or infinite", the code crashes without giving timestepper_BE a chance to reduce the time-step. But, if CHKERRQ() is commented out after call to SNESSolve(), the code is able to reduce dt sufficiently to converge due to "itol_res" (PFLOTRAN's custom convergence reason == inorm_residual < solver%newton_inf_res_tol). Attached below is inputdeck (with an outrages initial dt = 1yr to illustrate the issue). Apart from commenting out CHKERRQ(), is there an alternate way to let timestepper_BE reduce dt?
> Below are relevant information to reproduce the error.
>>hg tip
> changeset:   8541:fa2d4295aa14
> tag:         tip
> user:        Nathan Collier <nathaniel.collier at gmail.com<mailto:nathaniel.collier at gmail.com>>
> date:        Wed Dec 03 08:52:00 2014 -0500
> summary:     made output process-model identifier lines to be of uniform length (80 characters). Yeah it is a little OCD of me.
>>./pflotran -pflotranin da.in<http://da.in>
> == TH FLOW =====================================================================
>   1 2f: 2.55E+00 2x: 1.63E+07 2s: 1.72E+07 ir: 1.49E+00 iu: 3.10E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 1.88E-01 2x: 1.57E+14 2s: 1.57E+14 ir: 5.33E-02 iu: 4.37E+13 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 1.07E-01 2x: 1.60E+14 2s: 4.28E+12 ir: 2.27E-02 iu: 9.90E+11 rsn:   0
>   4 2f: 1.24E+01 2x: 1.60E+14 2s: 9.53E+11 ir: 1.16E+01 iu: 7.15E+11 rsn:   0
>   5 2f: 1.29E+06 2x: 7.75E+20 2s: 7.75E+20 ir: 1.15E+06 iu: 7.21E+20 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut=  1[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  5.00000E-01
>   1 2f: 2.22E+00 2x: 1.38E+07 2s: 1.47E+07 ir: 1.47E+00 iu: 3.06E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 2.94E-01 2x: 1.11E+14 2s: 1.11E+14 ir: 1.44E-01 iu: 4.05E+13 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 6.05E+20 2x: 2.13E+14 2s: 1.79E+14 ir: 4.44E+20 iu: 8.93E+13 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut=  2[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  2.50000E-01
>   1 2f: 2.17E+00 2x: 1.12E+07 2s: 1.21E+07 ir: 1.44E+00 iu: 3.01E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 5.55E-01 2x: 8.08E+13 2s: 8.08E+13 ir: 4.07E-01 iu: 3.66E+13 rsn:   0
> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Floating point exception
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Vec entry at local location 50 is not-a-number or infinite at end of function: Parameter number 3
> [0]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html for trouble shooting.
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.5.1, unknown
> [0]PETSC ERROR: ../../../src/pflotran/pflotran on a darwin-gnu-fort-debug named gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov<http://gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov> by gbisht Wed Dec  3 08:16:17 2014
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --download-hdf5=1 --with-blas-lapack-lib=/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/Current/Accelerate --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes --with-cc=/opt/local/bin/mpicc-openmpi-mp --with-cxx=/opt/local/bin/mpicxx-openmpi-mp --with-fc=/opt/local/bin/mpif90-openmpi-mp --with-mpiexec=/opt/local/bin/mpiexec-openmpi-mp PETSC_ARCH=darwin-gnu-fort-debug --download-sowing=1
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #1 VecValidValues() line 34 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #2 SNESComputeFunction() line 2043 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #3 SNESLineSearchApply_Basic() line 40 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/impls/basic/linesearchbasic.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #4 SNESLineSearchApply() line 563 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/interface/linesearch.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #5 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() line 254 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #6 SNESSolve() line 3743 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 0 in communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
> with errorcode 72.
> NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
> You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
> exactly when Open MPI kills them.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> hg diff
> diff -r fa2d4295aa14 src/pflotran/timestepper_BE.F90
> --- a/src/pflotran/timestepper_BE.F90           Wed Dec 03 08:52:00 2014 -0500
> +++ b/src/pflotran/timestepper_BE.F90       Wed Dec 03 08:22:35 2014 -0800
> @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
>      call PetscTime(log_start_time, ierr);CHKERRQ(ierr)
>      call SNESSolve(solver%snes,PETSC_NULL_OBJECT, &
> -                   process_model%solution_vec,ierr);CHKERRQ(ierr)
> +                   process_model%solution_vec,ierr);!CHKERRQ(ierr)
>      call PetscTime(log_end_time, ierr);CHKERRQ(ierr)
>>./pflotran -pflotranin da.in<http://da.in>
> == TH FLOW =====================================================================
>   1 2f: 2.55E+00 2x: 1.63E+07 2s: 1.72E+07 ir: 1.49E+00 iu: 3.10E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 1.88E-01 2x: 1.57E+14 2s: 1.57E+14 ir: 5.33E-02 iu: 4.37E+13 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 1.07E-01 2x: 1.60E+14 2s: 4.28E+12 ir: 2.27E-02 iu: 9.90E+11 rsn:   0
>   4 2f: 1.24E+01 2x: 1.60E+14 2s: 9.53E+11 ir: 1.16E+01 iu: 7.15E+11 rsn:   0
>   5 2f: 1.29E+06 2x: 7.75E+20 2s: 7.75E+20 ir: 1.15E+06 iu: 7.21E+20 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut=  1[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  5.00000E-01
>   1 2f: 2.22E+00 2x: 1.38E+07 2s: 1.47E+07 ir: 1.47E+00 iu: 3.06E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 2.94E-01 2x: 1.11E+14 2s: 1.11E+14 ir: 1.44E-01 iu: 4.05E+13 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 6.05E+20 2x: 2.13E+14 2s: 1.79E+14 ir: 4.44E+20 iu: 8.93E+13 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut=  2[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  2.50000E-01
>   1 2f: 2.17E+00 2x: 1.12E+07 2s: 1.21E+07 ir: 1.44E+00 iu: 3.01E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 5.55E-01 2x: 8.08E+13 2s: 8.08E+13 ir: 4.07E-01 iu: 3.66E+13 rsn:   0
> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Floating point exception
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Vec entry at local location 50 is not-a-number or infinite at end of function: Parameter number 3
> [0]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html for trouble shooting.
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.5.1, unknown
> [0]PETSC ERROR: ../../../src/pflotran/pflotran on a darwin-gnu-fort-debug named gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov<http://gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov> by gbisht Wed Dec  3 08:17:35 2014
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --download-hdf5=1 --with-blas-lapack-lib=/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/Current/Accelerate --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes --with-cc=/opt/local/bin/mpicc-openmpi-mp --with-cxx=/opt/local/bin/mpicxx-openmpi-mp --with-fc=/opt/local/bin/mpif90-openmpi-mp --with-mpiexec=/opt/local/bin/mpiexec-openmpi-mp PETSC_ARCH=darwin-gnu-fort-debug --download-sowing=1
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #1 VecValidValues() line 34 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #2 SNESComputeFunction() line 2043 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #3 SNESLineSearchApply_Basic() line 40 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/impls/basic/linesearchbasic.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #4 SNESLineSearchApply() line 563 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/interface/linesearch.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #5 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() line 254 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #6 SNESSolve() line 3743 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
>  -> Cut time step: snes=  0 icut=  3[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  1.25000E-01
>   1 2f: 2.12E+00 2x: 9.08E+06 2s: 9.85E+06 ir: 1.41E+00 iu: 2.94E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 7.89E-01 2x: 5.95E+13 2s: 5.95E+13 ir: 6.28E-01 iu: 3.20E+13 rsn:   0
> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Floating point exception
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Vec entry at local location 34 is not-a-number or infinite at end of function: Parameter number 3
> [0]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html for trouble shooting.
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.5.1, unknown
> [0]PETSC ERROR: ../../../src/pflotran/pflotran on a darwin-gnu-fort-debug named gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov<http://gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov> by gbisht Wed Dec  3 08:17:35 2014
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --download-hdf5=1 --with-blas-lapack-lib=/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/Current/Accelerate --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes --with-cc=/opt/local/bin/mpicc-openmpi-mp --with-cxx=/opt/local/bin/mpicxx-openmpi-mp --with-fc=/opt/local/bin/mpif90-openmpi-mp --with-mpiexec=/opt/local/bin/mpiexec-openmpi-mp PETSC_ARCH=darwin-gnu-fort-debug --download-sowing=1
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #7 VecValidValues() line 34 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #8 SNESComputeFunction() line 2043 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #9 SNESLineSearchApply_Basic() line 40 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/impls/basic/linesearchbasic.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #10 SNESLineSearchApply() line 563 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/interface/linesearch.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #11 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() line 254 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #12 SNESSolve() line 3743 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
>  -> Cut time step: snes=  0 icut=  4[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  6.25000E-02
>   1 2f: 2.04E+00 2x: 7.38E+06 2s: 8.06E+06 ir: 1.36E+00 iu: 2.86E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 5.60E+04 2x: 4.28E+13 2s: 4.28E+13 ir: 4.47E+04 iu: 2.66E+13 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 1.16E+18 2x: 4.91E+13 2s: 2.30E+13 ir: 9.47E+17 iu: 1.69E+13 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut=  5[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  3.12500E-02
>   1 2f: 1.94E+00 2x: 6.00E+06 2s: 6.57E+06 ir: 1.30E+00 iu: 2.74E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 6.76E+04 2x: 2.91E+13 2s: 2.91E+13 ir: 5.18E+04 iu: 2.06E+13 rsn:   0
> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Floating point exception
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Vec entry at local location 14 is not-a-number or infinite at end of function: Parameter number 3
> [0]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html for trouble shooting.
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.5.1, unknown
> [0]PETSC ERROR: ../../../src/pflotran/pflotran on a darwin-gnu-fort-debug named gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov<http://gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov> by gbisht Wed Dec  3 08:17:35 2014
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --download-hdf5=1 --with-blas-lapack-lib=/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/Current/Accelerate --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes --with-cc=/opt/local/bin/mpicc-openmpi-mp --with-cxx=/opt/local/bin/mpicxx-openmpi-mp --with-fc=/opt/local/bin/mpif90-openmpi-mp --with-mpiexec=/opt/local/bin/mpiexec-openmpi-mp PETSC_ARCH=darwin-gnu-fort-debug --download-sowing=1
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #13 VecValidValues() line 34 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #14 SNESComputeFunction() line 2043 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #15 SNESLineSearchApply_Basic() line 40 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/impls/basic/linesearchbasic.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #16 SNESLineSearchApply() line 563 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/interface/linesearch.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #17 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() line 254 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #18 SNESSolve() line 3743 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
>  -> Cut time step: snes=  0 icut=  6[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  1.56250E-02
>   1 2f: 1.81E+00 2x: 4.84E+06 2s: 5.31E+06 ir: 1.21E+00 iu: 2.58E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 1.56E+04 2x: 1.81E+13 2s: 1.81E+13 ir: 1.22E+04 iu: 1.43E+13 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 9.46E+15 2x: 1.99E+13 2s: 7.41E+12 ir: 7.34E+15 iu: 5.84E+12 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut=  7[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  7.81250E-03
>   1 2f: 1.64E+00 2x: 3.85E+06 2s: 4.21E+06 ir: 1.11E+00 iu: 2.37E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 1.37E+04 2x: 9.82E+12 2s: 9.82E+12 ir: 1.02E+04 iu: 8.52E+12 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 5.35E+14 2x: 1.86E+13 2s: 1.65E+13 ir: 3.78E+14 iu: 1.62E+13 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut=  8[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  3.90625E-03
>   1 2f: 1.42E+00 2x: 3.01E+06 2s: 3.25E+06 ir: 9.67E-01 iu: 2.09E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 6.03E+03 2x: 4.39E+12 2s: 4.39E+12 ir: 4.38E+03 iu: 4.08E+12 rsn:   0
> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Floating point exception
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Vec entry at local location 30 is not-a-number or infinite at end of function: Parameter number 3
> [0]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html for trouble shooting.
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.5.1, unknown
> [0]PETSC ERROR: ../../../src/pflotran/pflotran on a darwin-gnu-fort-debug named gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov<http://gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov> by gbisht Wed Dec  3 08:17:35 2014
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --download-hdf5=1 --with-blas-lapack-lib=/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/Current/Accelerate --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes --with-cc=/opt/local/bin/mpicc-openmpi-mp --with-cxx=/opt/local/bin/mpicxx-openmpi-mp --with-fc=/opt/local/bin/mpif90-openmpi-mp --with-mpiexec=/opt/local/bin/mpiexec-openmpi-mp PETSC_ARCH=darwin-gnu-fort-debug --download-sowing=1
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #19 VecValidValues() line 34 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #20 SNESComputeFunction() line 2043 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #21 SNESLineSearchApply_Basic() line 40 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/impls/basic/linesearchbasic.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #22 SNESLineSearchApply() line 563 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/interface/linesearch.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #23 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() line 254 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #24 SNESSolve() line 3743 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
>  -> Cut time step: snes=  0 icut=  9[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  1.95312E-03
>   1 2f: 1.16E+00 2x: 2.30E+06 2s: 2.42E+06 ir: 8.00E-01 iu: 1.76E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 4.32E+03 2x: 1.47E+12 2s: 1.47E+12 ir: 3.07E+03 iu: 1.42E+12 rsn:   0
> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Floating point exception
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Vec entry at local location 4 is not-a-number or infinite at end of function: Parameter number 3
> [0]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html for trouble shooting.
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.5.1, unknown
> [0]PETSC ERROR: ../../../src/pflotran/pflotran on a darwin-gnu-fort-debug named gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov<http://gautams-mac-pro.dhcp.lbl.gov> by gbisht Wed Dec  3 08:17:35 2014
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --download-hdf5=1 --with-blas-lapack-lib=/System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/Current/Accelerate --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes --with-cc=/opt/local/bin/mpicc-openmpi-mp --with-cxx=/opt/local/bin/mpicxx-openmpi-mp --with-fc=/opt/local/bin/mpif90-openmpi-mp --with-mpiexec=/opt/local/bin/mpiexec-openmpi-mp PETSC_ARCH=darwin-gnu-fort-debug --download-sowing=1
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #25 VecValidValues() line 34 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #26 SNESComputeFunction() line 2043 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #27 SNESLineSearchApply_Basic() line 40 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/impls/basic/linesearchbasic.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #28 SNESLineSearchApply() line 563 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/linesearch/interface/linesearch.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #29 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() line 254 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #30 SNESSolve() line 3743 in /Users/gbisht/Research/Models/PETSc/petsc_821a792/src/snes/interface/snes.c
>  -> Cut time step: snes=  0 icut= 10[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  9.76562E-04
>   1 2f: 8.79E-01 2x: 1.73E+06 2s: 1.70E+06 ir: 6.11E-01 iu: 1.37E+06 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 1.34E+03 2x: 3.17E+11 2s: 3.17E+11 ir: 9.30E+02 iu: 3.14E+11 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 3.99E+13 2x: 6.13E+11 2s: 3.04E+11 ir: 3.26E+13 iu: 2.98E+11 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut= 11[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  4.88281E-04
>   1 2f: 5.96E-01 2x: 1.33E+06 2s: 1.10E+06 ir: 4.19E-01 iu: 9.69E+05 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 4.60E+04 2x: 3.54E+10 2s: 3.54E+10 ir: 3.25E+04 iu: 3.54E+10 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 9.64E+15 2x: 3.91E+11 2s: 3.55E+11 ir: 7.87E+15 iu: 3.55E+11 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut= 12[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  2.44141E-04
>   1 2f: 3.54E-01 2x: 1.11E+06 2s: 6.36E+05 ir: 2.50E-01 iu: 5.95E+05 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 5.42E+04 2x: 1.33E+09 2s: 1.33E+09 ir: 3.93E+04 iu: 1.33E+09 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 3.51E+06 2x: 1.75E+10 2s: 1.75E+10 ir: 2.87E+06 iu: 1.75E+10 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut= 13[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  1.22070E-04
>   1 2f: 5.74E-02 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 3.17E+05 ir: 4.02E-02 iu: 3.07E+05 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 3.60E-02 2x: 6.66E+09 2s: 6.66E+09 ir: 2.88E-02 iu: 6.66E+09 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 5.16E+02 2x: 2.91E+08 2s: 6.95E+09 ir: 3.31E+02 iu: 6.95E+09 rsn:   0
>   4 2f: 7.20E+04 2x: 7.65E+15 2s: 7.65E+15 ir: 6.73E+04 iu: 7.65E+15 rsn:   0
>   5 2f: 4.01E+12 2x: 3.15E+16 2s: 3.92E+16 ir: 3.27E+12 iu: 3.92E+16 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut= 14[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  6.10352E-05
>   1 2f: 8.13E-02 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.33E+05 ir: 8.02E-02 iu: 1.31E+05 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 1.94E+02 2x: 1.14E+08 2s: 1.14E+08 ir: 1.33E+02 iu: 1.14E+08 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 2.16E-01 2x: 4.22E+08 2s: 5.36E+08 ir: 1.79E-01 iu: 5.36E+08 rsn:   0
>   4 2f: 3.21E+28 2x: 1.07E+19 2s: 1.07E+19 ir: 2.62E+28 iu: 1.07E+19 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut= 15[  0] t=  0.00000E+00 dt=  3.05176E-05
>   1 2f: 1.13E-05 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 4.69E+04 ir: 1.13E-05 iu: 4.67E+04 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 1.21E-10 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 6.87E+02 ir: 1.05E-10 iu: 6.87E+02 rsn: itol_res
>  Step      1 Time=  3.05176E-05 Dt=  3.05176E-05 [y] snes_conv_reason:   10
>   newton =  47 [      47] linear =    52 [        52] cuts = 15 [  15]
>   --> SNES Linear/Non-Linear Iterations =            2  /            2
>   --> SNES Residual:   1.209152E-10  1.209152E-12  1.045172E-10
>   --> max chng: dpmx=   4.5981E+04 dtmpmx=   1.6500E+00
> == TH FLOW =====================================================================
>   1 2f: 1.62E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 7.34E+04 ir: 1.60E-01 iu: 7.27E+04 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 7.18E+01 2x: 6.44E+07 2s: 6.44E+07 ir: 4.68E+01 iu: 6.44E+07 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 2.52E-01 2x: 5.48E+07 2s: 1.19E+08 ir: 2.02E-01 iu: 1.19E+08 rsn:   0
>   4 2f: 1.29E+09 2x: 1.44E+18 2s: 1.44E+18 ir: 1.29E+09 iu: 1.44E+18 rsn: max_norm
>  -> Cut time step: snes=-10 icut=  1[ 15] t=  3.05176E-05 dt=  1.52588E-05
>   1 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 3.15E+04 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 3.13E+04 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 1.17E-03 2x: 3.08E+06 2s: 2.83E+06 ir: 1.09E-03 iu: 2.83E+06 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.83E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.83E+06 rsn:   0
>   4 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>   5 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>   6 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>   7 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>   8 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>   9 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  10 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  11 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  12 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  13 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  14 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  15 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  16 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  17 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  18 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  19 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  20 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  21 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  22 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  23 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  24 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  25 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  26 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  27 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  28 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  29 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  30 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  31 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  32 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  33 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  34 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  35 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  36 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  37 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  38 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  39 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  40 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  41 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  42 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  43 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  44 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  45 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  46 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  47 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  48 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  49 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  50 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  51 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  52 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  53 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  54 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  55 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  56 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  57 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  58 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  59 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  60 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  61 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  62 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  63 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  64 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  65 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  66 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  67 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  68 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  69 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  70 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  71 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  72 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  73 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  74 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  75 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  76 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  77 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  78 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  79 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  80 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  81 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  82 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  83 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  84 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  85 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  86 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  87 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  88 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  89 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  90 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  91 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  92 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  93 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  94 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  95 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  96 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  97 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  98 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  99 2f: 3.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 3.19E-01 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
> 100 2f: 1.18E-03 2x: 3.14E+06 2s: 2.89E+06 ir: 1.10E-03 iu: 2.89E+06 rsn:   0
>  -> Cut time step: snes= -5 icut=  2[ 15] t=  3.05176E-05 dt=  7.62939E-06
>   1 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.39E+04 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.38E+04 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.15E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.15E+05 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.15E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.15E+05 rsn:   0
>   4 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>   5 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>   6 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>   7 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>   8 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>   9 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  10 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  11 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  12 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  13 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  14 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  15 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  16 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  17 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  18 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  19 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  20 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  21 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  22 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  23 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  24 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  25 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  26 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  27 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  28 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  29 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  30 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  31 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  32 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  33 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  34 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  35 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  36 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  37 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  38 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  39 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  40 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  41 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  42 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  43 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  44 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  45 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  46 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  47 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  48 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  49 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  50 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  51 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  52 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  53 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  54 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  55 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  56 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  57 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  58 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  59 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  60 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  61 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  62 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  63 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  64 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  65 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  66 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  67 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  68 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  69 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  70 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  71 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  72 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  73 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  74 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  75 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  76 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  77 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  78 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  79 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  80 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  81 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  82 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  83 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  84 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  85 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  86 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  87 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  88 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  89 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  90 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  91 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  92 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  93 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  94 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  95 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  96 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  97 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  98 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  99 2f: 6.23E-01 2x: 1.04E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 6.15E-01 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
> 100 2f: 6.18E-04 2x: 1.06E+06 2s: 1.16E+05 ir: 5.25E-04 iu: 1.16E+05 rsn:   0
>  -> Cut time step: snes= -5 icut=  3[ 15] t=  3.05176E-05 dt=  3.81470E-06
>   1 2f: 8.15E-01 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 6.36E+03 ir: 8.05E-01 iu: 6.33E+03 rsn:   0
>   2 2f: 1.34E-03 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 4.20E+03 ir: 1.31E-03 iu: 4.19E+03 rsn:   0
>   3 2f: 4.65E-04 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 2.99E+02 ir: 4.59E-04 iu: 2.50E+02 rsn:   0
>   4 2f: 1.43E-04 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 1.18E+02 ir: 1.41E-04 iu: 1.18E+02 rsn:   0
>   5 2f: 4.35E-05 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 8.37E+01 ir: 4.30E-05 iu: 8.37E+01 rsn:   0
>   6 2f: 1.27E-05 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 5.80E+01 ir: 1.25E-05 iu: 5.80E+01 rsn:   0
>   7 2f: 3.26E-06 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 3.69E+01 ir: 3.22E-06 iu: 3.69E+01 rsn:   0
>   8 2f: 5.57E-07 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 1.83E+01 ir: 5.50E-07 iu: 1.83E+01 rsn:   0
>   9 2f: 2.98E-08 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 4.65E+00 ir: 2.95E-08 iu: 4.65E+00 rsn:   0
>  10 2f: 9.92E-11 2x: 1.05E+06 2s: 2.79E-01 ir: 9.78E-11 iu: 2.79E-01 rsn: itol_res
>  Step      2 Time=  3.43323E-05 Dt=  3.81470E-06 [y] snes_conv_reason:   10
>   newton = 214 [     261] linear =   214 [       266] cuts =  3 [  18]
>   --> SNES Linear/Non-Linear Iterations =           10  /           10
>   --> SNES Residual:   9.921423E-11  9.921423E-13  9.778422E-11
>   --> max chng: dpmx=   1.6597E+03 dtmpmx=   1.9780E-01
> --
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