[petsc-dev] major change to naming conventions for CUDA/CUSP code in petsc-dev

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Jan 21 16:03:22 CST 2011

  Dmitry noted to me that the current naming conventions for the CUDA/CUSP code in petsc-dev is misleading since most of the code is CUSP specific but we used the CUDA prefix or suffix which is too general. I have thus updated all the source code and docs to use the CUSP prefix or suffix where ever appropriate instead (which is almost everywhere). 

  If using the GPU stuff in PETSc please hg pull; hg update or merge to get the latest and report any problems.


  Why does it matter. In the future there will also be more pure CUDA code going into PETSc that would be distinct from the CUSP code (already is some) and I don't want confusion around it because that increases complexity and slows development. 

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