Need help adding a new solver to the petsc library

Xavier Lacoste lacoste at
Mon Nov 3 10:45:30 CST 2008


I want to add the solver PaStiX 
( to the PETSc library.
I Check-outed the last hg version of PETSc and started adding my script, based on MUMPS one, in petsc-dev/config/PETSc/packages/ .
I modified first wich wasn't updated because PaStiX needs Scotch.

My problem is that I couldn't succed in configuring PETSCc with 
"--with-pastix=1 etc." because i don't know how to say PETSc that PaStiX 
needs the "-L/Scotch/dir -lscotch etc."

I have the setupDependencies :

  def setupDependencies(self, framework):
    PETSc.package.Package.setupDependencies(self, framework)
    self.mpi        = framework.require('config.packages.MPI',self)
    self.blasLapack = framework.require('config.packages.BlasLapack',self)
    self.scotch     = framework.require('PETSc.packages.Scotch',self)
    self.deps       = [self.mpi,self.blasLapack,self.scotch]

But it didn't helped, the -L/scotchdir/lib is still missing...

 > Executing: mpicc  -o conftest    -g  conftest.o  
-Wl,-rpath,/home/xl/pastix/lib -L/home/xl/pastix/lib -lpastix -lpthread 
-lscotch -llapack -lblas *
 > -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2 -L/lib -ldl -lgcc_s 
-lgfortranbegin -lgfortran -lm -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2 
 > -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2 -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu 
-L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2 -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu
 > -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2 -L/lib -L/lib -lm 
-L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2 -L/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.2 
-L/lib -ldl -lgcc_s -ldl
 > sh:
 > Possible ERROR while running linker: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lscotch

Hope i'm on the good Mailing list for this kind of questions.


PaStiX team, INRIA-Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest, France.

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