[Fwd: One "last" request from you for Lehman]

Richard Tran Mills rmills at climate.ornl.gov
Thu Feb 7 17:24:27 CST 2008

Peter and Glenn,

Doug Kothe wants an estimate from us of what our projected usage of our NCCS
INCITE allocation for 2008 will be.  I think he mainly wants to know how much
we will use (I'm sure we can use all of it) and what the average job size for
our science runs will be.  Since I found that PFLOTRAN hummed along at 12000
cores and I'll bet we will go even higher, I assume that we might want to do
pretty large runs, given that Glenn has done a lot of hard work to get some
really large Hanford 300 area problems going?

BTW, once the 250 TF upgrade is complete, I bet getting through the queue
won't be too bad.  It's pretty congested right now because most of Jaguar is
not onlie.


Richard Tran Mills, Ph.D.            |   E-mail: rmills at ornl.gov
Computational Scientist              |   Phone:  (865) 241-3198
Computational Earth Sciences Group   |   Fax:    (865) 574-0405
Oak Ridge National Laboratory        |   http://climate.ornl.gov/~rmills
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From: "Kothe, Douglas B." <kothe at ornl.gov>
Subject: One "last" request from you for Lehman
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 18:05:14 -0500
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