configure options

Satish Balay balay at
Tue Apr 19 14:29:48 CDT 2005

On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Boyana Norris wrote:

> Satish,
> Thanks, this is sufficient for most cases (the only exception I can think of
> is when configure crashed or was interrupted before this file was created,
> which has happened to me a few times).

If thats the case - you have shell command history :)

But Matt is adding the extra dump to configure.log - suitable for
copy/paste with shell.

And I'm refining the python side of things a bit. i.e the following
should work:

 "Command line options should take precedence over predefined values
in the script."

For eg: I could have:

config/ --with-mpi-dir=/home/balay/mpich-1 -PETSC_ARCH=arch1

Now I should be able to do:

./bmake/arch1/ --with-mpi-dir=/home/balay/mpich-2 -PETSC_ARCH=arch2


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