[petsc-announce] petsc-3.7.2.tar.gz now available

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Jun 5 13:06:04 CDT 2016

Dear PETSc users,

The patch release petsc-3.7.2 is now available for download.

Some of the changes include:

 * Hypre: Updated to use latest test release v2.11.0-47-gbba1cfc

 * XSDK: fix configure when using --download-trilinos-cmake-arguments with --download-xsdk

 * MPIUNI: Fix error when creating additional MPI communicators

 * MUMPS: Add support for --download-mumps with --with-mumps-serial and MPIUni

 * Configure: do not pass visibility flags [via CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS] to externalpackage builds

 * Mat: fix bug in MatGetFactor()

 * Mat: fix big in MatGetRowIJ_SeqAIJ_Inode*()

 * Sys: add in PETSCRANDER48 to finclude

 * Sys: add missing fortran stub for PetscRandomGetType()

 * Sys: PetscViewerBinaryRead() only set the count value if MPI IO was used

 * Chombo: use updated tarball that compiles with gcc-6.1

 * DMPlex: Choose default partitioner from [chaco, parmetis, simple]

 * petsc4py: update to use latest maint/3.7 snapshot

 * configure: fix slowdown during --download-hdf5 with gcc-5

 * Superlu_DIST: disable OpenMP [that can come in future patch fixes..]

 * XSDK: Explicitly turn off Fortran for Trilinos and xSDKTrilinos when turned off for PETSc

 * Sys: make sure the MPI_Datatype used corresponds to the PETSc datatype used. [wrt MPI_INT64_T vs MPI_LONG_LONG_INT]

 * SuperLU_Dist: Specifically turn off Fortran for SuperLU_Dist if PETSc is built without it

 * TS: Need to declare TSSSPList as PETSC_EXTERN so users can add to the list

 * DMP4est: fix coarseEdge calculation in transfer_Point

 * Fortran: add missing PETSC_EXTERN to custom Fortran wrappers


 * PC: Added PCPreSolveChangeRHS()

 * XSDK: fix mstk shared library build

 * Vec: disable buggy VecAssemblyBegin/End_MPI_BTS()


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