Using pnetcdf in WRF-Chem model: "DRYRUN" errors while creating wrf restart file

Zheng Lu zlu2 at
Thu Mar 12 15:49:01 CDT 2015

Dear Pnetcdf group,

I am running wrf model with pnetcdf option on NCAR supercomputer Yellowstone. Because my model simulation is very long, I have to use the “restart” option - which means that the model has to be shut down every 12 hours and be resubmitted. The model did successfully generate output files (15G) and restart files (106G). But after several resubmission (5 times), the model failed to generate restart files and reports many “DRYRUN” errors. 
The errors look like: 

d01 2014-09-07_06:00:00  Warning DRYRUN READ in wrf_io.F90, line        2996
d01 2014-09-08_00:00:00  Warning 2 DRYRUNS 1 VARIABLE (LANDMASK) in wrf_io.F90, line        2403
d01 2014-09-08_00:00:00  Warning 2 DRYRUNS 1 VARIABLE (XLAT) in wrf_io.F90, line        2403
d01 2014-09-08_00:00:00  Warning 2 DRYRUNS 1 VARIABLE (XLONG) in wrf_io.F90, line        2403
d01 2014-09-08_00:00:00  Warning 2 DRYRUNS 1 VARIABLE (LU_INDEX) in wrf_io.F90, line        2403

After browsing this email list, I found one thread talking about the exactly same problem as I am having: <>

I am wondering if anyone solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!

Zheng Lu
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