two questions about building parallel netcdf

George B. Myers George.B.Myers at
Tue Oct 5 17:39:20 CDT 2010

  I am trying to build parallel netcdf for an SGI Altix ICE machine.  I 
want to build it against SGIs MPT 1.25 with the Intel Compiler, version 
11.1.046.  Before executing configure I have set these environment 

setenv CC icc
setenv FC ifort
setenv F77 ifort
setenv MPIF77 ifort
setenv MPICC icc
setenv FFLAGS "-O -mp"
setenv CFLAGS "-O -mp"

And loaded "modules" that point to mpt and the intel compiler.  The 
configure command line is:

./configure --prefix=/nasa/parallel-netcdf/1.1.1/mpt.1.25 
--enable-fortran --disable-mpi-io-test

I have tried several other combination of parameters to turn off the 
MPI-IO tests but it always results in:

configure: error: Cannot find MPI-IO library

First question is how do I get it to accept the disable?  I am guessing 
I am missing something obvious, so hopefully, someone will see it.  Oh, 
also, It may just be that it cannot find MPI_File_sync.  So, maybe the 
problem is not that it is ignoring the disable, but, that the MPI-IO 
implementation is lacking something needed by parallel-netcdf.  Just 

checking for library containing MPI_File_sync... no

Second question is, is there a way to get it to generate shared 
libraries?  I saw a response somewhere when I was googling for help 
someone who seemed to be related to the project say, "who would want to 
do that?"  But, the problem is, MPT only creates shared libraries.  So, 
we need shared libraries, if we want it to work with MPT.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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