[Nek5000-users] Curved boundary

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Fri May 18 06:58:03 CDT 2018

Hi all,

I have a case with a curved boundary with SYM boundary condition, stress 
formulation and PN/PN.

In the file core/bdry.f there is a function called CHKCBC, which checks 
the consistency of boundary conditions.

In the latest release (mver=17.0.4), this routine requires stress 
formulation AND PN/PN-2 for a non-aligned boundary, whereas in 
mver=17.0.0 stress formulation with PN/PN was accepted.

My question is whether this change was intentional?

The test
in function SETLOG in v17.0.0 was replaced by
"if (ifstrs .and. .not.ifsplit) return"
inside CHKCBC in v17.0.4.

As a test, I commented out the check in CHKCBC, and the simulation seems 
to run just fine with stress formulation and PN/PN.

Carl Erik,
FFI, Norway

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