[Nek5000-users] torque_calc subroutine

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Sun Jun 10 16:38:28 CDT 2018


I am computing the pressure force on a pipe wall. In order to do so I use the subroutine set_obj to define surface normals for each slice along the axial direction and then I use the torque_calc routine to compute the pressure drag. I have two issues at the moment: first, the number of objects written in the logfile is higher than the specified one (137 vs 132), although null values are assigned for the exceeding elements; secondly, when I restart the simulation calling a checkpoint routine I noticed that in a region of the pipe I obtain spurios (null) values for the force. This doesn't happen if I restart the simulation with the presolve/restart option in the .rea file. What can these issues be related to?

Thanks. Best,

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