[Nek5000-users] Turbulent kinetic energy in TurbInflow example

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jul 16 20:12:04 CDT 2018

Dear Neks,

In TurbInflow example there is a usr file for postprocessing where TKE is

It says:

ccc   avg all the avgturbInflow0.f0* files
      call auto_averager(fname1)

ccc   copy uk=vx**2, vk=vy**2, wk=vz**2
      call col3(uk,vx,vx,lt)
      call col3(vk,vy,vy,lt)
      call col3(wk,vz,vz,lt)

ccc   avg all the rmsturbInflow0.f0* files
      call auto_averager(fname2)

ccc   u'^2,v'^2,w'^2 = rms - avg**2
      call sub2(vx,uk,lt)
      call sub2(vy,vk,lt)
      call sub2(vz,wk,lt)

ccc   Average in thex direction
      call my_x_avg(uk,vx,gs_avg_hndl,nelx,nely,nelz,ifld,rcmask)
      call my_x_avg(vk,vy,gs_avg_hndl,nelx,nely,nelz,ifld,rcmask)
      call my_x_avg(wk,vz,gs_avg_hndl,nelx,nely,nelz,ifld,rcmask)

ccc   TKE = 0.5*(u'^2+v'^2+w'^2)
      call add4(tk,uk,vk,wk,lt)
      call cmult(tk,0.5,lt)

ccc   sqrt uk,vk,wk to get urms, vrms and wrms
      call vsqrt(uk,lt)
      call vsqrt(vk,lt)
      call vsqrt(wk,lt)

ccc   output urms,vrms and wrms along with the TKE
ccc   TKE is in temperature field
      ifto = .true.
      call outpost(uk,vk,wk,pr,tk,'avx')

As far as I know, the sub2 subroutine works like


That means, it saves the sum in the first argument.

The code says:

      call sub2(vx,uk,lt)
      call sub2(vy,vk,lt)
      call sub2(vz,wk,lt)

Meaning that u'^2,v'^2,w'^2 is being stored in vx, vy, and vz.

So should the code say:.. ?

      call add4(tk,vx,vy,vz,lt)

instead of

      call add4(tk,uk,vk,wk,lt)

Or there is something I'm missing?

Thank you all.

Juan Pablo.
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