[Nek5000-users] neknek new version

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Tue Sep 26 08:50:04 CDT 2017

"I guess what you are trying to do is to have one domain that is periodic
and use that to drive the flow in another domain, which is presumably

Yes. This is what I mean. And with old nek version (September 2015) my
function works very well, but now (after upgrade) it doesn't interpolate
velocity slice.

In my function I take two slice from each of session, change bc from P->inP
and v->inv, then set intflag = 1 for face with inv and inP and then i
change bc back to P and v as it was before.


Dear Vatslav,

It's not clear to me how your approach should function if your intent

is to change a Periodic BC to an overlapping-domain-interpolation one.

I guess what you are trying to do is to have one domain that is periodic

and use that to drive the flow in another domain, which is presumably

inflow-outflow? If that is your goal, you might find that recirculating BCs

would be of value (possibly a bit more efficient), depending on your setup.

If we understand the objective we might be able to help.



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Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 3:06:33 AM
To: nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Subject: [Nek5000-users] neknek new version

Hi, Neks.

I use neknek script in my simulation. I write the function like set_intflag
in multimesh.f to find special bc and mark it:

nfaces = 2*ndim
nel = nelfld(ifield)

call izero(intflag,nflag)

do j=1,ifield
do e=1,nel
do f=1,nfaces
if ( session.eq.'pipe_per1' ) then
if ( cbc(f,e,j).eq.'P ' ) intflag(f,e) = 1

if ( session.eq.'pipe_per2' ) then
if ( cbc(f,e,j).eq.'v ' ) intflag(f,e) = 1

( from periodic bc in one nek-session to inlet bc in another nek-session ).

So, it works very well on old version of nek, but on the latest version of
Nek5000 i can't interpolate boundary slice between two session in such way
anymore. And I absolutely no idea why.

Can anyone say how it can be fixed?

Regard, Vatslav

С уважением, Владимир Рыженьков
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