[Nek5000-users] n2to3 mesh size error

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Mon Nov 13 14:56:39 CST 2017

Hi all,

I keep running into an error whenever I want to use n2to3 to extrude my
mesh from 2 dimensions to 3. My workflow is as follows:

gmsh .geo file -> gmsh .msh file -> .rea file -> n2to3 > .rea (3D) file.

Now if the original 2D .rea file obtained from gmsh contains less than 1000
elements, n2to3 fails with the error

At line 651 of file n2to3.f (unit = 10, file = 'msh_test.rea')
Fortran runtime error: Bad value during integer read

However, should this not be the case (mesh size > 1000) its all smooth
sailing. The trouble is with a mesh of that size my processor and memory
requirements quickly blow up.

Incidentally, genmap fails under almost exactly the same conditions.

Is there a lower limit to mesh size issue for nek5000 that I'm missing here?


*Amitvikram Dutta*

Graduate Research Assistant

Fluid Mechanics Research Lab

University of Waterloo
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