[Nek5000-users] simulation termination at istep=0 with NaN

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jul 25 12:59:00 CDT 2017

Hi NEKs,

I just started working on NEK5000 and am having trouble with my first real
simulation (tried both PN/PN and PN/PN-2). I first created a .msh file of
simple cylindrical geometry, with velocity-inlet (v), Outlet (O) and
surrounding walls (W), in ICEM and used "mshconvert" to get a .rea file. In
NEK, the simulation is dying before they actually begin. The error message
is as follows:

Matrix:   0 aa         4       4       4
  0 aa        Infinity  -4.08542E+02   7.41342E+01   0.00000E+00
  0 aa    -4.08542E+02   4.65569E+02  -1.31161E+02   0.00000E+00
Matrix:   0 Aeig       4       4       4
  0 Aeig           NaN           NaN           NaN           NaN
  0 Aeig           NaN           NaN           NaN           NaN
  0 Aeig           NaN           NaN           NaN           NaN
  0 Aeig           NaN           NaN           NaN           NaN
Matrix:   0 Deig       1       4       4
  0 Deig           NaN           NaN           NaN           NaN
 Error in generalev, info=           3           4           1
 Error in generalev, info=           3           4           1
 Error in generalev, info=           3           4           1
 Error in generalev, info=           3           4           1
 Error in generalev, info=           3           4           1
 Error in generalev, info=           3           4           1
 Error in generalev, info=           3           4           1

call exitt: dying ...

I saw an older post regarding a similar problem and that was due to
improper boundary conditions. I suspect I may be doing something similar
but couldn't find anything until now. The .msh file is fine as I was able
to import to "fluent" and run the simulation. Please let me know if you can
help in some way. I am posting input files below (please pardon the length
of this message):

************** FROM .rea FILE*********************
           0  objects found
 103   Parameters from file:
   1      1.00000         p1  DENSITY
   2     -500.000         p2  VISCOS
   7      1.00000         p7  RHOCP
   8      1.00000         p8  CONDUCT
  11      10000           p11 NSTEPS
  12      0.10000E-05     p12 DT
  15      5               p15 IOSTEP
  18     -20.00000        p18 GRID
  19     -1.00000         p19 INTYPE
  20      10.0000         p20 NORDER
  26      1.00000         p26 COURANT/NTAU
  27      2.00000         p27 TORDER
  65      1.00000         p65 #iofiles (eg, 0 or 64); <0 --> sep. dirs
  66      4.00000         p66 output : <0=ascii, else binary
  67      4.00000         p67 restart: <0=ascii, else binary
  93      20.0000          p93 Number of previous pressure solns saved
  94      3.00000          p94 start projecting velocity after p94 step
  95      5.00000          p95 start projecting pressure after p95 step
  99      0.               p99   dealiasing: <0--> off/3--> old/4--> new
 102      1.00000          p102   Dump out divergence at each time step
 103     -1.00000          p103   weight of stabilizing filter (.01)

  T     IFFLOW
  T     IFHEAT
  T     IFTRAN
  T F F F F F F F F F F IFNAV & IFADVC (convection in P.S. fields)
  F F T T T T T T T T T T IFTMSH (IF mesh for this field is T mesh)
  F     IFAXIS
  F     IFSTRS
  F     IFKEPS
  F     IFMVBD
  F     IFCHAR
       22620       3       22620      NEL,NDIM,NELV
      ELEMENT          1 [    1 ]    GROUP     0
  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00
 -7.07106729e-01 -6.82106736e-01 -5.66056759e-01 -5.87769989e-01
  7.07106833e-01  6.82106832e-01  7.76064003e-01  8.08965813e-01
  1.02564103e+00  1.02564103e+00  1.02564103e+00  1.02564103e+00
 -7.07106715e-01 -6.82106722e-01 -5.65372395e-01 -5.87023410e-01
  7.07106818e-01  6.82106817e-01  7.75121255e-01  8.07937362e-01
      ELEMENT          2 [    1 ]    GROUP     0
  1.02564103e+00  1.02564103e+00  1.02564103e+00  1.02564103e+00
 -6.82106722e-01 -5.65372395e-01 -5.43721379e-01 -6.57106729e-01
  6.82106817e-01  7.75121255e-01  7.42305149e-01  6.57106816e-01
  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00  0.00000000e+00
 -6.82106736e-01 -5.66056759e-01 -5.44343529e-01 -6.57106742e-01
  6.82106832e-01  7.76064003e-01  7.43162193e-01  6.57106831e-01
 E      1  1 1.4149000e+04 1.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00
 E      1  2 2.0000000e+00 1.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00
 E      1  3 1.3000000e+01 1.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00
 W      1  4 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00
 v      1  5 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00
 O  22620  6 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00

************** .usr FILE**************
c All my user functions are empty except userbc to deal with the "v"

      subroutine userbc (ix,iy,iz,iside,ieg)
      include 'SIZE'
      include 'TSTEP'
      include 'INPUT'
      include 'NEKUSE'



***********************FIRST FEW LINES OF .map FILE***********
       22620       24040          14       16384      180960
24040           0
        3597          14        4574        4561        4560
4562        4575        5164        5162
        3596        4575        5162        4581        5160
4574        4560        4580        4579
        3601        4581        5160        4572        5158
4580        4579        4571        4566
        3603        4572        5158        4570        5182
4571        4566        4569        5181
        3607        4570        5182        4693        5178
4569        5181        4692        5177
        3681        4693        5178        4645        5176
4692        5177        4644        5175
        3683        4645        5176        4649        5174
4644        5175        4648        5173
        3691        4649        5174        5277        5276
4648        5173        5275        5274
        3107        5277        5276        4035        4020
5275        5274        4034        4019
        3106        4035        4020        4033        4026
4034        4019        4032        4024
        3119        4033        4026        4025        4277
4032        4024        4023        4276
        3119        4025        4277        4055        4273
4023        4276        4022        4272
        3599        5164        4561        5172        5171
5162        4560        5170        5169

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