[Nek5000-users] prenek

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Wed Apr 19 08:58:29 CDT 2017

Hi nek,

I want to generate a 2d pipe mesh using prenek and add 3 elements in first
quadrant using [(0, 0), (0.0045, 0), (0.003536, 0.003536), (0, 0.0045)],
[(0.0125, 0), (0.00884, 0.00884), (0.003536, 0.003536), (0.0045, 0)], and
[(0, 0.0125), (0.00884, 0.00884), (0.003536, 0.003536), (0, 0.00045)] for 3
elements respectively. But I usually add the element of [(0, 0.0125),
(0.00884, 0.00884), (0.003536, 0.003536), (0, 0.00045)] with some
difference which would happened on the first point I select. Do you know
how could I click the points very accurately?

Kind regards,

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