[Nek5000-users] fix_geom

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Tue Oct 18 08:15:30 CDT 2016

Hi Neks,

Does anyone have any experience using the fix_geom routine?

As I understand it, it is supposed to adjust the interior GLL points 
based on the perturbation to the element verticies/edges/faces using 
gordon hall.

I am trying to use it for one of my cases but it doesn't seem to have 
any effect.

What I do is adjust the locations of some boundary elements in usrdat2 
and then call fix geom. Something like the following:

subroutine usrdat2

     call fix_naca

     call fix_geom

end subroutine

Where fix naca adjusts the GLL points on the wall surface to the closest 
point given by a naca profile. The internal points do not seem to change 
after I call fix_geom.

I looked at the routine in navier5.f and it appears to me that the 
perturbation applied is always being set to zero (unless I understand it 
wrong). First xm1 is copied to xb, and then xm1 is subtracted from xb to 
find local displacements. And the same for y and z coordinates. Which 
should always result in zero local displacements...?

So I guess the question is if things are working correctly and I am 
doing something wrong or if there is a bug in the routine?



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