[Nek5000-users] Moab Issues

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Thu Oct 9 11:27:46 CDT 2014

Hi All,

I am trying to use moab enabled Nek5000 and have followed all steps installing and linking moab, HDF5 and Zoltan together successfully.

However when I try to run the moab example,

mpif77 -c  -O2 -r8 -fpconstant -fpp -DMOAB -DPTRSIZE8 -DMPI -DLONGINT8 -DUNDERSCORE -DGLOBAL_LONG_LONG -I/home/eng/esumgy/nek5_svn/examples/moab -I/home/eng/esumgy/nek5_svn/trunk/nek -I./ -DUNORDERED_MAP_NS=std::tr1 -DHAVE_UNORDERED_MAP=tr1/unordered_map -DHAVE_UNORDERED_SET=tr1/unordered_set       -I/home/eng/esumgy/hdf5/hdf5-1.8/hdf5/include -isystem /home/eng/esumgy/hdf5/hdf5-1.8/hdf5/include  -DTEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION -DTEMPLATE_FUNC_SPECIALIZATION -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64   -DHDF5_FILE -I/home/eng/esumgy/moab-4.6.3/include  /home/eng/esumgy/nek5_svn/trunk/nek/3rd_party/moab.f -o obj/moab.o
MOABCORE(16): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h
MOABCORE(16): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h
MOABCORE(16): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h
MOABCORE(16): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h
MOABCORE(16): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h
MOABCORE(16): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h
MOABCORE(16): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h
MOABCORE(16): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h
moab.f(545): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h
moab.f(720): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h
MOABCORE(16): #error: can't find include file: iMeshP_f.h

And so on...

The iMesh part I believe is linked to the definition of the Moab directory in the makenek file, which I have set up accordingly so I am at a loss why it is finding the file.

I thought it may be a problem with the hdf5 installation which is currently just set up in series not parallel so I have tried to play with the installation options here, but this does not effect the outcome.


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