[Nek5000-users] help with meshing a torus

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jun 2 11:42:25 CDT 2014

Hi all,

I'm trying to create a mesh for a torus (a doughnut).
In order to do so I create the mesh for a straight pipe and then I bend 
it in usrdat2.

If I assign periodic boundary conditions on the two faces of the 
straight pipe (that then coincide when I bend the pipe) everything works 
If, instead, I assign E (as it should) nek stops after usrdat2 and 
complains about unique labels shared (I attached a log). Why?

Best regards,
-------------- next part --------------
|      _   __ ______ __ __  ______  ____    ____    ____   |
|     / | / // ____// //_/ / ____/ / __ \\ / __ \\ / __ \\ |
|    /  |/ // __/  / ,<   /___ \\  / / / // / / // / / /   |
|   / /|  // /___ / /| | ____/ / / /_/ // /_/ // /_/ /     |
|  /_/ |_//_____//_/ |_|/_____/  \\____/ \\____/ \\____/   |
|                                                          |
|                                                          |
| NEK5000:  Open Source Spectral Element Solver            |
| COPYRIGHT (c) 2008-2010 UCHICAGO ARGONNE, LLC            |
| Version:  1.0rc1 / SVN  r1016                            |
| Web:      http://nek5000.mcs.anl.gov                     |
|                                                          |

 Number of processors:           6
 REAL    wdsize      :           8
 INTEGER wdsize      :           4

  Beginning session:

 timer accuracy:   1.1920929E-07 sec

 read .rea file
 read .re2 file
 byte swap: F   6.54321003      -2.93127722E+35
 nelgt/nelgv/lelt:          48          48         640
 lx1  /lx2  /lx3 :           8           8           8

 mapping elements to processors
           0           8           8          48          48  NELV
           2           8           8          48          48  NELV
           1           8           8          48          48  NELV
           4           8           8          48          48  NELV
           5           8           8          48          48  NELV
           3           8           8          48          48  NELV
 RANK     0 IEG      25      26      27      37      38      39      41      42
 element load imbalance:            0           8           8
 done :: mapping elements to processors
   reading mesh 
   reading curved sides 
   reading bc for ifld           1
 done :: read .re2 file
           0  objects found
 done :: read .rea file   0.41709E-02 sec

 Reset the target Courant number to .5
 setup mesh topology
   Right-handed check complete for      48 elements. OK.
   setvert3d:   8        7525       17893        7525        7525
 call usrsetvert
 done :: usrsetvert

gs_setup: 2526 unique labels shared
   pairwise times (avg, min, max): 8.15789e-06 7.98702e-06 8.32081e-06
   crystal router                : 1.40508e-05 1.34945e-05 1.44005e-05
   all reduce                    : 2.36034e-05 2.35081e-05 2.36988e-05
   used all_to_all method: pairwise
   handle bytes (avg, min, max): 36537.3 34204 38436
   buffer bytes (avg, min, max): 15104 12640 17104
   setupds time 1.6498E-02 seconds   0  8        7525          48
           8  max multiplicity
 done :: setup mesh topology
 call usrdat
 Opening .rea.usr parameter file: /afs/mech.kth.se/home/mech/jcanton/scratch/DNSs/tests/test3-fullTorus-myMesh/bentPipe.rea.usr                                       
UPARAM( 1) =    0.0000    
UPARAM( 2) =    200.00    
UPARAM( 3) =    0.0000    
UPARAM( 4) =    1.0000    
UPARAM( 5) =   0.30000    
UPARAM( 6) =    360.00    
UPARAM( 7) =    22.500    
 done :: usrdat

 generate geometry data
 vol_t,vol_v:  0.78539821905070573       0.78539821905070573     
 done :: generate geometry data
 call usrdat2
  writing hpts.in file
 done :: usrdat2

 regenerate geometry data           1
 vol_t,vol_v:   8.2246709170395587        8.2246709170395587     
 NOTE: All elements deformed , param(59) ^=0
 done :: regenerate geometry data           1
 verify mesh topology
  -2.1666666666666670        2.1666666666666670       Xrange
  -2.1666666666666670        2.1666666666666670       Yrange
 -0.50000000000000000       0.50000000000000000       Zrange
 done :: verify mesh topology
 118   Parameters from file:/afs/mech.kth.se/home/mech/jcanton/scratch/DNSs/tests/test3-fullTorus-myMesh/bentPipe.rea
   1      1.00000     P001: DENSITY
   2     -10.         P002: VISCOS
   7      1.00000     P007: RHOCP
   8      1.00000     P008: CONDUCT
  11      3           P011: NSTEPS
  12      5.0E-03     P012: DT
  15      1           P015: IOSTEP
  17      1.00000     P017:
  18     0.500000E-01 P018: GRID < 0 --> # cells on screen
  19     -1.00000     P019: INTYPE
  20      10.0000     P020: NORDER
  21     0.100000E-08 P021: DIVERGENCE
  22     0.100000E-08 P022: HELMHOLTZ
  24     0.100000E-01 P024: TOLREL
  25     0.100000E-01 P025: TOLABS
  26      1.00000     P026: COURANT/NTAU
  27      3.00000     P027: TORDER
  28      0.00000     P028: TORDER: mesh velocity (0: p28=p27)
  56      1.00000     P056: : :
  59      0.00000     P059: !=0 --> full Jac. eval. for each el.
  65      1.00000     P065: #iofiles (eg, 0 or 64); <0 --> sep. dirs
  66      6.00000     P066: output : <0=ascii, else binary
  67      6.00000     P067: restart: <0=ascii, else binary
  68      20000       P068: iastep: freq for avg_all (0=iostep)
  69      50000.0     P069: : :     frequency of srf dump
  93      20.0000     P093: Number of previous pressure solns saved
  94      9.00000     P094: start projecting velocity after p94 step
  95      9.00000     P095: start projecting pressure after p95 step
  99      3.00000     P099: dealiasing: <0--> off/3--> old/4--> new
 102      1.00000     P102: Dump out divergence at each time step
 103      0.01000     P103: weight of stabilizing filter (.01)
 IFTMSH for field           1    =  F
 IFADVC for field           1    =  T
 IFNONL for field           1    =  F
 Dealiasing enabled, lxd=          12
 Estimated eigenvalues
 EIGAA =    3.6402682899481458     
 EIGGA =    109272.77145407666     
 EIGAE =   0.52560023437753967     
 EIGAS =    1.2032085561497324E-002
 EIGGE =    109272.77145407666     
 EIGGS =    2.0000000000000000     
 verify mesh topology
  -2.1666666666666670        2.1666666666666670       Xrange
  -2.1666666666666670        2.1666666666666670       Yrange
 -0.50000000000000000       0.50000000000000000       Zrange
 done :: verify mesh topology
  E-solver strategy:  0 itr
 mg_nx:           1           3           7
 mg_ny:           1           3           7
 mg_nz:           1           3           7
 call usrsetvert
 done :: usrsetvert

gs_setup: 60 unique labels shared
   pairwise times (avg, min, max): 7.93139e-06 7.9155e-06 8.01086e-06
   crystal router                : 3.53654e-06 3.38554e-06 3.71933e-06
   all reduce                    : 3.52065e-06 3.48091e-06 3.60012e-06
   used all_to_all method: allreduce
   handle bytes (avg, min, max): 1902.67 1756 2028
   buffer bytes (avg, min, max): 960 960 960
   setupds time 7.7677E-04 seconds   1  2          85          48
   setvert3d:   4        1189        1573        1189        1189
 call usrsetvert
 done :: usrsetvert

gs_setup: 482 unique labels shared
   pairwise times (avg, min, max): 5.97239e-06 5.6982e-06 6.10352e-06
   crystal router                : 5.74589e-06 5.6982e-06 5.79357e-06
   all reduce                    : 9.81887e-06 9.5129e-06 1.01089e-05
   used all_to_all method: crystal router
   handle bytes (avg, min, max): 25184 18812 28900
   buffer bytes (avg, min, max): 5962.67 5344 6288
   setupds time 1.3289E-03 seconds   2  4        1189          48
   setvert3d:   4        1189        1573        1189        1189
 call usrsetvert
 done :: usrsetvert

gs_setup: 482 unique labels shared
   pairwise times (avg, min, max): 4.24385e-06 4.19617e-06 4.29153e-06
   crystal router                : 3.89814e-06 3.60012e-06 4.19617e-06
   all reduce                    : 9.02017e-06 8.89301e-06 9.08375e-06
   used all_to_all method: crystal router
   handle bytes (avg, min, max): 25184 18812 28900
   buffer bytes (avg, min, max): 5962.67 5344 6288
   setupds time 1.2860E-03 seconds   3  4        1189          48
   setvert3d:   6        3669        6741        3669        3669
 call usrsetvert
 done :: usrsetvert

gs_setup: 1304 unique labels shared
   pairwise times (avg, min, max): 4.52201e-06 4.41074e-06 4.60148e-06
   crystal router                : 6.65188e-06 6.29425e-06 7.10487e-06
   all reduce                    : 1.50323e-05 1.48058e-05 1.53065e-05
   used all_to_all method: pairwise
   handle bytes (avg, min, max): 19598.7 18332 20628
   buffer bytes (avg, min, max): 8149.33 6816 9200
   setupds time 2.0061E-03 seconds   4  6        3669          48
 Error in generalev, info=           7           6          -1
 Error in generalev, info=           7           6          -1
 Error in generalev, info=           7           6          -1

Matrix:   0 aa         6       6       6
  0 aa     3.29462E+00  -1.92870E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00
 Error in generalev, info=          12           6          -6
  0 aa    -1.92870E+00   3.42641E+00  -1.92870E+00   2.81394E-01  -6.58924E-02   0.00000E+00
  0 aa     0.00000E+00  -1.92870E+00   3.29462E+00  -1.64731E+00   2.81394E-01   0.00000E+00
 Error in generalev, info=          12           6          -6
  0 aa     0.00000E+00   2.81394E-01  -1.64731E+00   3.29462E+00  -1.92870E+00   0.00000E+00
  0 aa     0.00000E+00  -6.58924E-02   2.81394E-01  -1.92870E+00      Infinity     -Infinity
  0 aa     0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00     -Infinity      Infinity

Matrix:   0 bb         6       6       6
  0 bb     1.05391E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00
  0 bb     0.00000E+00   4.21563E-01   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00
  0 bb     0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   1.05391E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00
  0 bb     0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   1.05391E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00
  0 bb     0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   2.10781E-01   0.00000E+00
  0 bb     0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00

Matrix:   0 Aeig       6       6       6
  0 Aeig   3.29462E+00  -1.92870E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00
  0 Aeig  -1.92870E+00   3.42641E+00  -1.92870E+00   2.81394E-01  -6.58924E-02   0.00000E+00
  0 Aeig   0.00000E+00  -1.92870E+00   3.29462E+00  -1.64731E+00   2.81394E-01   0.00000E+00
  0 Aeig   0.00000E+00   2.81394E-01  -1.64731E+00   3.29462E+00  -1.92870E+00   0.00000E+00
  0 Aeig   0.00000E+00  -6.58924E-02   2.81394E-01  -1.92870E+00      Infinity     -Infinity
  0 Aeig   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00   0.00000E+00     -Infinity      Infinity

Matrix:   0 Deig       1       6       6
  0 Deig   2.81185E-01   1.10907E+00   2.47769E+00   3.98175E+00   1.00403E+01   1.11847E+01
 Error in generalev, info=          12           6          -6
call exitt: dying ...
backtrace(): obtained 12 stack frames.
nek5000(print_stack_+0x1a) [0x509cfa]
nek5000(exitt_+0x24b) [0x5cbcbb]
nek5000(generalev_+0x172) [0x4a5d22]
nek5000(hsmg_setup_fast1d_+0xfb) [0x4d038b]
nek5000(hsmg_setup_fast_+0x5d7) [0x4d0a47]
nek5000(hsmg_setup_fdm_+0x10d) [0x4d0d1d]
nek5000(hsmg_setup_+0x3f) [0x4d1e1f]
nek5000(set_overlap_+0x1ae) [0x4f5ffe]
nek5000(nek_init_+0x82d) [0x421b0d]
nek5000(main+0x24) [0x41e294]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xfd) [0x7f954e52bead]
nek5000() [0x41e2d9]
total elapsed time             :   6.08048E-02 sec
total solver time incl. I/O    :   0.00000E+00 sec
time/timestep                  :   0.00000E+00 sec
CPU seconds/timestep/gridpt    :   0.00000E+00 sec

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