[Nek5000-users] mesh problems

nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov nek5000-users at lists.mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jan 14 10:52:01 CST 2013

> I faced the same trouble with 2.17 million elements. Let me follow your
> suggestion and set up a mesh in cell with z between 0 and 3 while keeping the
> x-y mesh exactly the same, just to check if the same errors occur.

Hi Joerg,

I had no problems with the 2.17 million case.

I ran it with P=32768 and the XXt solver.

When I ran genmap, I used a tolerance of .01 --- this can
be important for certain classes of meshes.  If the genmap tolerance
is too loose then it's conceivable that you can have spurious
connectivities in the graph that represents the sparse matrices,
which might be the source of the problem you encountered.


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