[mpich-discuss] Is libmpichf90.so Part of MPICH ?

Peter Willis pwillis at aslenv.com
Tue Jul 12 15:22:17 CDT 2011


I am compiling MPICH2 from mpich2-1.4 source.

My system is as follows:

Linux NMD2011 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 
2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

My configure script reads as follows:

./configure --prefix=/usr  --with-arch=LINUX --with-mpe --enable-fc 
--enable-f90modules --enable-static --enable-cxx --enable-f77 
--enable-shared --enable-sharedlibs=gcc --with-romio=nfs+ufs 
--enable-debug --enable-mpedbg --disable-devdebug --disable-weak-symbols

MPICH compiles without any errors.

I am, however missing a library that comes with the MPICH package
supplied for the Linux distribution that I am using.


Is this part of the MPICH2 build or does it come from MVAPICH ?

If it is part of the MPICH build, what configuration option(s)
cause it to be built?

Thanks for any help,


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