[mpich-discuss] Hydra process manager on Condor

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Dec 27 21:30:48 CST 2011


[please keep mpich-discuss cc'ed]

These files should be written to the same location that your mpiexec was 
launched from.  If you want to write it to a different location, you can 
provide the full path to the files.

  -- Pavan

On 12/27/2011 03:28 PM, Shrivastava, Savita wrote:
> Hi Pavan, Thanks for your response.
> After adding the -outfile-pattern ho.out -errfile-pattern he.err in the
> mpiexec command, the output file and error files were not written to the
> directory. I also tried adding -wdir. Another point I want to mention
> here is that the output file created by my script is not written to the
> output directory I mentioned in my script.
> I suspect there may be some parameters or settings may be needed to run
> mpiexec successfully on condor.
> Please advise.
> Thanks
> Savita
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pavan Balaji [mailto:balaji at mcs.anl.gov]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 12:01 AM
> To: mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov
> Cc: Shrivastava, Savita
> Subject: Re: [mpich-discuss] Hydra process manager on Condor
> Hydra does not understand Condor's parameters.  But you can emulate the
> behavior you want by setting these options for mpiexec:
>    -outfile-pattern ho.out -errfile-pattern he.err
> You can also do more fancy things like:
>    -outfile-pattern ho.%r.out -errfile-pattern he.%r.err
> which uses different files for each rank.
> See mpiexec -outfile-pattern -help for more information on other
> patterns.
>    -- Pavan
> On 12/19/2011 12:27 PM, Shrivastava, Savita wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have installed MPICH2 with Hydra process manager on our Condor
>> cluster. When I submit an mpi job to condor, the job is transferred to
>> the execute node and executed properly (as I looked in the condor log
> on
>> execute node where the job was executing) but it does not write the
>> standard output from script to condor output file mentioned in job
>> description file. Please guide me here how to run the mpi job
>> successfully on condor using hydra process manager.
>> My job description as below. The perl script has standard output
> "Hello".
>> universe = parallel
>> executable = /usr/lib64/mpich2/bin/mpiexec
>> arguments = -n 2 -machinefile machinefile test2.pl
>> getenv=true
>> machine_count = 1
>> should_transfer_files = yes
>> when_to_transfer_output = on_exit
>> transfer_input_files = test2.pl
>> output = ho.out
>> error = he.err
>> log = hl.log
>> Requirements = Memory>= 1024&&  Cpus>=2
>> request_cpus = 2
>> request_memory = 1024
>> queue
>> Thanks
>> Savita
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Pavan Balaji

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