[mpich-discuss] MPICH2 can not run on the newest issue of centos and debian

Dave Goodell goodell at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Apr 19 09:27:47 CDT 2011

What version of mpich2 are you using?  Can you just paste the output from the "mpich2version" command in your response?

There's a good chance that you are using a version that uses the newer process manager, hydra, instead of mpd.  There is no mpdboot step when using hydra (you use a hostfile at mpiexec-time instead), so that would explain why all of your processes are launching on the local node.

If you aren't using a version of mpich2 that has hydra, you should.  We don't support mpd anymore, so you'll need to upgrade before we can help you.



On Apr 19, 2011, at 9:21 AM CDT, chenjie gu wrote:

> Dear all,
> I find problem when run MPICH2  on the newest issue of centos-5.6 and debian-6.0, even through I have follows the instruction from debian's official document.
> prerevious I tried MPICH2 on debian 5, there is no such problem.
> My procedure is as follows:
> I  built a Bewolf Cluster between 6 nodes of our serve (HP
> Proliant G460 G7), and installed the MPICH2 on one node (assuming at
> /mirror),
> ./configure --prefix=/mirror/mpich CC=icc CXX=icpc F77=ifort FC=ifort
> make 2>&1
> make install 2>&1
> using NFS, the directory of /mirror was successfully exported to the rest of
> 5 nodes. Now as I test the mpirun, it runs very well on a single node,
> however it hangs across multiple nodes.
> Also I have built the passphraseless ssh-keys connection between each other.
> Now the problem is that even I use the mpd, boot the nodes(those nodes are in the list, and there is no warning during the booting), however when I run the mpirun, what
> ever how much n I set, all the process will be run at the local nodes.
> I am not sure what are blocking the data exchange between the nodes, by the way, I have set the iptables to accept then data.
> Any suggestion is appreciate,
> Thanks a lot,
> Regards,
> ArchyGU
> Nanyang Technological University
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