[mpich-discuss] query on MPICH2 on Windows

Kunal Rao kunalgrao at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 17:01:38 CDT 2010


  Does MPICH2 on Microsoft Windows support MPI-IO ?

  I was checking on this site
http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/romio/ where it says that ROMIO is
included as a part of MPICH 2.

  The reason I ask this is because I am trying to configure parallel netcdf
library on Windows through the cygwin environment. While doing "configure"
it stops with the following message:


  checking MPI-IO support in MPI implementation... configure: error: mpi
implementation does not support MPI-IO


  The MPI implementation I used is MPICH2 which I was assuming supported
MPI-IO on Windows as well. I tried using MSMPI but even that stopped with
the same message. Any thoughts on this ?

Thanks & Regards,
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