[POOL] Argonne Pool League Virtual Cocktail Party on Zoom

Bass, Dean Allen bass at anl.gov
Mon May 4 12:39:35 CDT 2020

We had our virtual cocktail party last Tuesday and it went very well.  I think at the peak there were 19 or 20 “squares” of people in the party and probably another 4 or 5 squares that left early or came late.  Many of the “squares” had multiple people so I would put the number of participants at over 30.  We had current members, past members, prospective members and former servers all attended.  I wanted to have a competition to see which team had the most participants, but I kind of lost count.  I know our team had John Derby, Jill Case and the Zemans (former members) and I think most every team was represented.  We were able to catch up and see most people and perform a very nice tribute to Dave Grimm.  Lots of pictures, stories and acknowledgments.  Dave’s family also joined and it was a very moving tribute.   Jason also shared a link to some periscope excerpts of Dave’s last match and I’ve attached it here.  Sorry to those who had trouble getting in.  Stay healthy everyone.  -Dean

The first twenty minutes of the match is in the first link, with the later bit in part 2. The second link his match ends @ 19:15 into part 2.

Week 10: Team 5 vs Team 6

Week 10: Team 5 vs Team 6 pt2

Link I sent during the video (queues up his last run of balls in the match to where he won the match) - starts at 14:43 into the video.

Also note, the music is loud, so don't have your speakers up too loud.

Let me know if you have any trouble with the links.

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