[POOL] Last night's matches

Strons, Philip S. pstrons at anl.gov
Wed Oct 19 10:12:29 CDT 2005

Hi all,

First of all, I want to congratulate Roger on his win against Ron
Shepherd.  This wasn't a scratch on the eight by Ron.  Roger genuinely
beat him in the fourth game.

There was a bit of a problem last night.  We had a full team of five
players, but our opponents had only three players.  Also, Roger had to
wait for Ron for like an hour because Ron had to go home to get his cue
stick.  While we were all wondering what happened to Ron, we negotiated
an agreement that their team would take one forfeit, and we would make
up the other match.  After Roger beat Ron though, Bobby Crews said he
wanted two make ups.  I talked to Kevin about all this before, during,
and after the whole mess, and he said that he hasn't been enforcing the
forfeit rules yet this session because of the player shortage.  But, he
also said we had the right to ask for forfeits.  I don't want to be a
jerk about this, but we scrambled to get five players together to avoid
a forfeit.  And, I don't like the idea of having to be there forever
next week to play a total of seven matches.

Anyway, Kevin suggested a possible vote by the team captains on this
issue.  I think we should decide as a team as to what we want.  I'd like
one forfeit and one make up.

One other point I found interesting.  Bobby said that they had other
players coming later, but after Roger and Ron's match, they all went
home.  No one else showed up.

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