[hpc-announce] [CfP] PPAM 2024 - Announcement and Call for Papers

Roman Wyrzykowski roman at icis.pcz.pl
Wed Jan 10 07:22:09 CST 2024

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       ******                  PPAM 2024                   ******
       ******       15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON       ******

Ostrava, Czech Republic,
September 8-11, 2024

The PPAM 2024 conference, the thirteenth in a series, will cover topics
in parallel and distributed computing, including theory and applications,
as well as applied mathematics. The focus will be on models, algorithms,
and software tools that facilitate efficient and convenient utilization
of modern parallel and distributed computing architectures, as well as
on large-scale applications. Special attention is expected to be given
to the future of computing beyond Moore's Law, and AI/ML approaches in
high performance computing.

PPAM is a biennial conference started in 1994, with the proceedings
published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences series.
This year the PPAM conference will take place in Ostrava, a city in the
northeast of the Czech Republic and the capital of the Moravian-Silesian

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Parallel/distributed architectures, enabling technologies
- Quantum computing and communication
- Neuromorphic computing
- Computing beyond Moore's Law
- Cluster, cloud, edge and fog computing
- Multi-core and many-core parallel computing, GPU computing
- Heterogeneous/hybrid computing and accelerators
- Parallel/distributed algorithms: numerical and non-numerical
- Scheduling, mapping, load balancing
- Performance analysis and prediction
- Performance issues on various types of parallel systems
- Auto-tuning and auto-parallelization: methods, tools, and applications
- Power and energy aspects of computation
- Parallel/distributed programming
- Tools and environments for parallel/distributed computing
- Security and dependability in parallel/distributed environments
- HPC numerical linear algebra
- HPC methods of solving differential equations
- Evolutionary computing, meta-heuristics and neural networks
- Machine learning, artificial intelligence and HPC
- HPC interval analysis
- Applied computing in mechanics, material processing, biology and
   medicine, physics, chemistry, business, environmental modeling, etc.
- Applications of parallel/distributed computing
- Methods and tools for parallel solution of large-scale problems,
   including artificial intelligence and machine learning applications

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (tentative list)

Prasanna Balaprakash    Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Ivona Brandic           Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Suma George Cardwell    Sandia National Laboratory, USA
Jack Dongarra           University of Tennessee and ORNL, USA
Anshu Dubey             Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Lin Gan                 Tsinghua University & National Supercomputing Center in
                         Wuxi, China
Torsten Hoefler         ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Klaus Jansen            University of Kiel, Germany
Jesus Labarta           Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Satoshi Matsuoka        Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Manish Parashar         University of Utah, USA
Olga Pearce             Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
John Shalf              Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Michela Taufer          University of Tennessee, USA
Jeffrey Vetter          Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA


- Workshop on Models, Algorithms and Methodologies for Hierarchical
   Parallelism in New HPC Systems
- Workshop on Language-Based Parallel Programming Models
- Workshop on Quantum Computing and Communication
- Workshop on Scheduling for Parallel Computing
- Workshop on Applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
   in High Performance Computing
- Workshop on Monitoring HPC Infrastructures and Improving their Energy
- RISC-V Workshop
- Workshop on Advancements of Global Challenges Applications
- Workshop on Applied High Performance Numerical Algorithms for PDEs
- Minisymposium of HPC Applications in Physical Science
- Minisymposium on High Performance Computing Interval Methods
- Workshop on Complex Collective Systems

Original papers are invited for the conference. Authors should submit
full papers using the EasyChair system. Regular papers are not to
exceed 14 pages (LNCS style). Articles will be refereed and accepted
based on their scientific merit and relevance to the conference topics.
Abstracts of accepted papers will be available as a brochure during
the conference. Only papers presented at PPAM 2024 will be included in
the proceedings, which is planned to be published after the conference
by Springer in the LNCS series.

Like the previous PPAM editions, the authors of the best papers
selected by the Program Committee will be invited to submit extended
versions of their work to special issues of journals with Impact Factor
such as Future Generation Computer Systems; Int. Journal of High
Performance Computing Applications; Concurrency and Computation:
Practice and Experience.

Roman Wyrzykowski   Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
                     e-mail: roman at icis.pcz.pl, phone: +48 668 476 840
Ewa Deelman         University of Southern California, USA
                     e-mail: deelman at isi.edu


Submission of Papers:         April 30, 2024
Notification of Acceptance:   June 7, 2024
Camera-Ready Papers:          Nov. 2, 2024

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