[hpc-announce] [SBAC-PAD 2024] Call for Workshop Proposals

Jean Luca Bez jlbez at lbl.gov
Tue Apr 30 15:33:30 CDT 2024

Call for Workshop Proposals

Workshops should provide forums for discussion among researchers and
practitioners on focused topics or research areas relevant to the
community of Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing.
This year's edition has a special interest in emerging topics such as
the use of HPC for AI and AI in HPC; the use of HPC in domain-specific
problems (e.g., healthcare, genomics, life sciences, etc.); scalable
data management and storage; energy-efficient HPC systems; reliability
and correctness of HPC applications; adaptive and autonomous HPC
systems; flexible and malleable HPC solutions; and
heterogeneous/collaborative computing.

Organizers may structure workshops as they see fit, including invited
talks, panel discussions, presentations of work in progress, fully
peer-reviewed papers, or some combination of the above. Workshops
could be scheduled for half a day or a full day.
The peer-reviewed accepted papers of organized workshops will be
published in the SBAC-PAD proceedings and will be available online in
the IEEE Xplore digital library. Each paper must have at least three
reviews to be eligible for publication.

Important dates
Deadline for Workshop Proposals: May 17th, 2024
Notification of acceptance: May 31th, 2024

Submission requirements

Workshop proposals must be submitted in PDF format and should include:

- Name, acronym, and length (half or full-day);
- A short description of the workshop (0.5 - 1 page);
- A list of topics of interest and their relation to the SBAC-PAD
community, in particular, how the workshop fills a niche that is not
already covered by the main conference;
- The names, affiliations, and a short bio (5 - 10 lines) of the
workshop organizers and, ideally, a list with a significant portion of
the program committee;
- A description of the expected structure of the workshop (contributed
papers, invited talks, panels, posters, or any other kind of
scientific/technical activity);
- If the workshop is expected to have papers, include the expected
paper length, submission count, and describe the review process;
- Invited speaker ideas (panelists, keynote, or invited talks). No one
is expected to be confirmed before the acceptance; and
- Data about previous offerings of the workshop (if any), including
attendance, the number of papers or presentations submitted and
accepted, and the links to the corresponding websites.
- The workshop co-chairs may ask for more info during the evaluation process

Proposal Submission
You may submit your proposal by emailing the workshop chairs. Please
include the text "[SBAC-PAD'24] Workshop Proposal" in the subject

SBAC-PAD 2024 Workshop Co-Chairs
Jean Luca Bez (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA) - jlbez at lbl.gov
Bogdan Nicolae (Argonne National Laboratory, USA) - bnicolae at anl.gov

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