[hpc-announce] Call for Papers - Metrics2023 (November 11 - November 12, 2023; Denver, Colorado)

Majumdar, Amitava majumdar at sdsc.edu
Fri Sep 22 22:17:15 CDT 2023

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Call for Papers - Metrics2023

(November 11 - November 12, 2023; Denver, Colorado)

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/metrics2023<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.google.com/view/metrics2023__;!!Mih3wA!AoEPK4rsr4l_fTmJbZvXfCzjWDBSWOUc9k3-Y-TNBFUK3f3MRQYqAbNV6CJh01qmPklb6ezwZxYIPAE$>

Topics: Metrics for objectively assessing the progress and impact of CyberInfrastructure (CI) projects are important for not only obtaining the required resources for the long-term sustainability of the projects and community engagement but also for identifying issues and prioritizing the areas of improvement. As projects evolve over time, the metrics for measuring their progress and impact should also evolve. Even though each CI project is unique, there are certain elements (such as the community engagement and training) that cross-cut across a vast majority of the projects. Hence, there is a possibility of defining a set of metrics that can be relevant to a broad range of the CI projects for measuring their progress and impact.

The main goal of the Metrics 2023 conference is to bring together colleagues from a diverse range of disciplines and organizations to network, collaborate, and work towards defining a taxonomy of CI projects and the appropriate metrics for their short-term and long-term evaluation. Towards this end, abstracts for presentations, and papers for publication in the special issue of Springer Nature Computer Science journal are invited.

Metrics for evaluating the projects related to the following areas are in the scope of this conference:

  *   Software and data infrastructure (including infrastructure for AI, Quantum Computing, and CyberSecurity)
  *   Hardware infrastructure design, development and deployment (for High Performance Computing, Data-Intensive Computing, Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing, Data Storage and Archival, and IoT)
  *   Operations, and maintenance (including, processes and practices such as DevSecOps and ITIL)
  *   Community building and customer service
  *   Training, education, and outreach
  *   Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)
  *   Building virtual organizations

Topics of interest for papers and abstracts include, but are not limited to:

  1.  Case-studies on measuring success of projects including lessons learnt, design of the evaluation method, data analysis
  2.  Evolution of the metrics as the project progresses through different project years and release cycles
  3.  Currently known best practices for tracking metrics
  4.  Tools for tracking the product use metrics and experiences related to their adoption
  5.  Challenges and opportunities in developing self-reporting software or data product/infrastructure
  6.  Problems and solutions related to gathering certain types of metrics
  7.  Benchmarking and performance evaluation techniques for hardware and software products
  8.  Methods and experiences related to measuring accuracy, precision, explainability, and fairness of results
  9.  Manual and automated methods for gathering quantitative and qualitative metrics
  10. Methods and experiences related to measuring productivity of people
  11. Methods for measuring the societal impact of projects
  12. Literature review and survey of the methods for evaluating success of projects from the areas that are in the scope of the conference
  13. New methods for analyzing success including the role and use of social-media
  14. Taxonomy of CyberInfrastructure (CI) projects and associated metrics

Submission Guidelines for Papers:

The Metrics2023 proceedings will be published by Springer Nature Computer Science in a special journal issue named as "Metrics for Measuring Success of CyberInfrastructure Projects".

We invite authors to submit their original and unpublished work, that is not under review for another publication. Full papers (10 -25 pages in length including references) should be formatted as per the Springer-specified guidelines (details below) for review. Authors of selected papers will be provided 20 minutes time-slots for their presentations at the conference.

Deadline for paper submission: October 1, 2023

Deadline for notification: November 1, 2023

Presentations of selected papers: November 11 - November 12, 2023

Deadline for submission of the final version of the paper: November 30, 2023

Timeline for publication: December 1, 2023

Templates and instructions for authors for preparing the papers are available at the following link:

Following is the link to the submission system:

Please select the following title of the journal special issue in the Springer submission system at the time of submitting the paper: "Metrics for Measuring Success of CyberInfrastructure Projects."

Organizing Committee:

Ritu Arora, Wayne State University

Izzat Alsmadi, Texas A & M University

Prasad Calyam, University of Missouri

Matthew Curry, Sandia National Laboratory

Amit Majumdar, San Diego Supercomputer Center

George K. Thiruvathukal, Loyala University


All questions about submissions should be emailed to ritu at wayne.edu<mailto:ritu at wayne.edu>

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