[hpc-announce] CALL FOR PAPERS - Future Generation Computer Systems Journal Special Issue: Intelligent Architectures and Platforms for Private Edge Cloud Systems

Wisser, Grace gwisser at utk.edu
Mon Oct 9 15:15:23 CDT 2023

CALL FOR PAPERS - Future Generation Computer Systems Journal Special Issue

Intelligent Architectures and Platforms for Private Edge Cloud Systems


The deployment of fifth-generation (5G) and 802.11-based networks have enabled a new class of smart applications, such as extended reality and real-time situational awareness. These applications have diverse requirements, such as low latencies, high data rates, significant amounts of computing and storage resources, and multiple access to sensors and actuators. To address the requirements of these applications, novel edge computing systems have been proposed, named in different communities as cloudlets, mobile edge computing, and fog computing. The deployment of edge computing systems requires the addition of new infrastructure or the extension of existing infrastructure. Edge computing systems also do not utilize the capabilities of end devices, such as smartphones, mobile robots, and smart vehicles, which are equipped with multi-core central and graphical processing units, several sensors, or multiple wireless communication technologies.

In contrast to publicly available edge computing solutions, private or local edge cloud systems have recently been suggested to further reduce latency, security and privacy risks, and improve bandwidth and utilization of high-end devices. A private edge cloud system is a small-scale cloud data center in a local physical area, such as a house or an office. It consists of various stationary and mobile devices, such as personal computers, mobile robots, smartphones, and sensors, interconnected through single or multiple local area networks.

Nevertheless, to efficiently manage and utilize local edge cloud system infrastructures, intelligent architectures and platforms are required that differ from corresponding solutions for public edge cloud systems. This special issue invites contributions focusing on the design of intelligent multi-network protocols, resource management algorithms, and platforms leveraging for instance approaches based on machine learning, software-defined network, or container technologies to (1) efficiently manage heterogeneous compute and network resources in a private edge environment, and (2) provide task processing, data collection, and data storage services to support emerging resource-intensive and non-resource intensive smart applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

-Personal edge cloud systems
-Private micro data-centers / Cloudlet computing systems
-Integration of private edge clouds with wireless networks, such as 5G/B5G or IEEE802.11be
-Architectures for private edge computing systems
-Multi-network management protocols and methods
-Intelligent load management and failure prediction methods
-Machine learning-based resource scheduling and management approaches for private edge computing systems
-Intelligent platforms for private edge clouds
-Security and privacy aspects of private edge computing systems
-Network function virtualization, software-defined network, or machine learning-based methods for private edge clouds
-Cross-layer optimization of heterogeneous (private) communication and compute infrastructures
-Architectures and algorithms for industrial applications as well as safety applications run on private edge systems
-Testbeds, experimental trials, and results from prototypical implementations of private edge computing systems


Sayed Chhattan Shah, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea, shah at hufs.ac.kr 

Taehong Kim, Chungbuk National University, South Korea, taehongkim at cbnu.ac.kr 

Blesson Varghese, University of St Andrews, UK, bv6 at st-andrews.ac.uk 

Zhi Wang, Tsinghua University, China, wangzhi at sz.tsinghua.edu.cn



Deadline for paper submission: January 31, 2024


The FGCS’s submission system (https://www.editorialmanager.com/FGCS/default.aspx) will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from October 1, 2023. When submitting your manuscript please select the article type VSI: PECS.

All submissions deemed suitable by the editors to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Once your manuscript is accepted, it will go into production to be published in the special issue.

GUIDE FOR AUTHORS: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/future-generation-computer-systems/0167-739X/guide-for-authors

* Please use Elsevier's Latex Style with "5p, times" option. So your document should start with \documentclass[5p,times]{elsarticle}
* You are recommended to use the Elsevier article class elsarticle.cls (https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsarticle) to prepare your manuscript and BibTeX (http://www.bibtex.org/) to generate your bibliography.
* Our LaTeX  (https://www.elsevier.com/latex) site has detailed submission instructions, templates and other information.
* Article submitted to FGCS should be strictly double column, single spaced and limited to 18 pages; including all figures, tables, references.
* A manuscript longer than 18 pages will not be considered for review and returned to author to be revised to the correct format.

To view a complete list of the Call for Papers for Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, visit: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/future-generation-computer-systems/about/call-for-papers

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