[hpc-announce] Call for interest in submitting to Scientific Workflows at Extreme Scales collection in "Frontiers in High Performance Computing"

Dubey, Anshu adubey at anl.gov
Tue Jul 18 15:55:18 CDT 2023

We would like to invite expression of interest in submitting research articles for a special collection in "Frontiers in High Performance Computing" on "Workflows at Extreme Scale". By workflow, we mean an end-to-end computation pipeline involving several stages, even if some of the stages are managed separately. Teams involved in doing such work tend to be multidisciplinary, however, most publication forums tend to prefer deep dives into specific disciplines. Therefore, we see publications that cover aspects of such work in a piecemeal fashion, but rarely see a holistic view of the high-level challenges that are very common in this kind of work. This special collection is focused on these high-level challenges and innovations at the level of interoperability among components of the computational pipeline that enable successful scientific campaigns. For more details about the special collection see 
https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/57724/scientific-workflows-at-extreme-scales <https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/57724/scientific-workflows-at-extreme-scales>

Submission of paper is possible only through invitation from special collection editors. Therefore, if you are interested in submitting an article please send email to
adubey at anl.gov <mailto:adubey at anl.gov> and/or draeger1 at llnl.gov <mailto:draeger1 at llnl.gov> with subject line "Interest in Frontiers submission"

Anshu Dubey (Argonne National Laboratory) and Erik Draeger (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

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