[hpc-announce] Supercomputing Spotlights: by Ulrike Yang, September 20

Rio Yokota rioyokota at rio.gsic.titech.ac.jp
Wed Aug 30 02:17:49 CDT 2023

xSDK: an Ecosystem of Interoperable, Independently Developed Math Libraries
Presenter: Ulrike Yang, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Wednesday, September 20, 14, 2:00-2:40 pm UTC (30 min talk + 10 min questions)
7 am PDT / 9 am CDT / 10 am EDT / 2 pm UTC / 4 pm CEST / 11 pm JST
Participation is free, but registration is required
Registration link:

Supercomputing Spotlights is a new webinar series featuring short
presentations that highlight the impact and successes of
high-performance computing (HPC) throughout our world. Presentations,
emphasizing achievements and opportunities in HPC, are intended for
the broad international community, especially students and newcomers
to the field. Supercomputing Spotlights is an outreach initiative of
SIAG/Supercomputing (https://siag-sc.org) …  Join us!
Abstract: Emerging extreme-scale architectures provide developers of
application codes—including multiphysics modeling and the coupling of
simulations and data analytics—unprecedented resources for larger
simulations achieving more accurate solutions than ever before.
Achieving high performance on these new heterogeneous architectures
requires substantial expertise and knowledge. To meet these challenges
in a timely fashion and make the best use of these capabilities
requires a variety of mathematical libraries that are developed by
diverse, independent teams throughout the HPC community.  It is not
sufficient for these libraries individually to deliver high
performance; they also need to work well when built and used in
combination within applications. The extreme-scale scientific software
development kit (xSDK) provides infrastructure for and
interoperability of a collection of more than twenty complementary
numerical libraries to support rapid and efficient development of
high-quality applications. This presentation will summarize the
elements that are needed to make the xSDK an effective ecosystem of
interoperable math libraries that can support large-scale application
codes. We will also discuss efforts to provide performance portability
and sustainability, including xSDK testing strategies.
Bio: Ulrike Meier Yang leads the Mathematical Algorithms and Computing
group in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). She leads the xSDK4ECP
(Extreme-scale Scientific Software Development Kit) for the U.S.
Department of Energy’s Exascale Computing Project. She is a member of
the Scalable Linear Solvers and hypre projects, and she is the Linear
Solvers Topical Area Lead in the SciDAC FASTMath Institute. Her
research interests are numerical algorithms, particularly iterative
linear system solvers and algebraic multigrid methods,
high-performance computing, parallel algorithms, performance
evaluation, and scientific software design. She serves on the SIAM
Board of Trustees and the editorial board of the SIAM Journal for
Matrix Analysis and Applications. Prior to joining LLNL in 1998, she
was a staff member in the Center for Supercomputing Research and
Development at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(1985-1995) and in the Central Institute of Applied Mathematics at the
Research Centre Jülich, Germany (1983-1985). She earned her Ph.D. in
Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in
1995 and a Diploma in mathematics at the Ruhr-University Bochum,
Germany, in 1983.

Best regards,
The SIAG/SC officers for 2022-2023
Lois Curfman McInnes (chair)
Hatem Ltaief (vice chair)
Michael Bader (program director)
Rio Yokota (secretary)

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