[hpc-announce] Call for Papers for Future Generation Computer Systems Journal Special Issue: Scalable Compute Continuum

Wisser, Grace gwisser at utk.edu
Thu Aug 24 09:25:41 CDT 2023

Future Generation Computer Systems Special Issue
"Scalable Compute Continuum"


The “Compute Continuum” paradigm promises to manage the heterogeneity and dynamism of widespread computing resources, aiming to simplify the execution of distributed applications improving data locality, performance, availability, adaptability, energy management as well as other non-functional features. This is made possible by overcoming the fragmentation of IoT-edge-cloud resources and their segregation in tiers, enabling applications to be seamlessly executed and relocated along a continuum of resources spanning from the edge to the cloud.

By distributing resources all around, the emerging Compute Continuum paradigm supports the execution of data-intensive applications as close as possible to data sources and end users. Besides consolidated vertical and horizontal scaling patterns, this paradigm also offers more detailed adaptation actions that strictly depend on the specific infrastructure components (e.g., to reduce energy consumption, or to exploit specific hardware such as GPUs and FPGAs). This enables the enhancement of latency-sensitive applications, the reduction of network bandwidth consumption, the improvement of privacy protection, and the development of novel services aimed at improving living, health, safety, and mobility. All of this should be achievable by application developers without having to worry about how and where the developed application components will be executed. Therefore, to unleash the true potential offered by the Compute Continuum, autonomous, proactive, and infrastructure-aware management is desirable, if not mandatory, calling for novel interdisciplinary approaches that exploit optimization theory, control theory, machine learning, and artificial intelligence methods.

This special issue aims to investigate and gather research contributions on the emerging Compute Continuum, seeking solutions for running distributed applications while efficiently managing heterogeneous and widespread computing resources.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

*Scalable architectures and systems for the Compute Continuum;
*System software for cloud-edge-IoT orchestration;
*Distributed and decentralized management of resources and application deployment in the Compute Continuum;
*Programming models, languages and patterns for the Compute Continuum;
*Compute Continuum performance modeling and analysis;
*Compute Continuum as a service;
*Energy-efficient solutions for sustainable Compute Continuum;
*AI in the Compute Continuum;
*Scalable applications for Compute Continuum (IoT, microservices, serverless);
*Data-intensive and stream processing systems and applications in the Compute Continuum;
*Digital Twins and industry applications in the Compute Continuum;
*Prototypes and real-life experiments involving the Compute Continuum;
*Benchmarks and experimental platforms for reproducible experiments in the Compute Continuum.


- Valeria Cardellini, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy. cardellini at ing.uniroma2.it
- Patrizio Dazzi, University of Pisa, Italy. patrizio.dazzi at unipi.it
- Gabriele Mencagli, University of Pisa, Italy. gabriele.mencagli at unipi.it
- Matteo Nardelli, Bank of Italy, Italy. matteo.nardelli at bancaditalia.it 
- Massimo Torquati, University of Pisa, Italy. massimo.torquati at unipi.it


Deadline for paper submission: November 3, 2023


The FGCS’s submission system (https://www.editorialmanager.com/FGCS/default.aspx) will be open for submissions to our Special Issue from May 1, 2023. When submitting your manuscript please select the article type VSI: SI_SCC_ScalCompContinuum.

All submissions deemed suitable by the editors to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Once your manuscript is accepted, it will go into production to be published in the special issue.

GUIDE FOR AUTHORS: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/future-generation-computer-systems/0167-739X/guide-for-authors

* Please use Elsevier's Latex Style with "5p, times" option. So your document should start with \documentclass[5p,times]{elsarticle}
* You are recommended to use the Elsevier article class elsarticle.cls (https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/elsarticle) to prepare your manuscript and BibTeX (http://www.bibtex.org/) to generate your bibliography.
* Our LaTeX  (https://www.elsevier.com/latex) site has detailed submission instructions, templates and other information.
* Article submitted to FGCS should be strictly double column, single spaced and limited to 18 pages; including all figures, tables, references.
* A manuscript longer than 18 pages will not be considered for review and returned to author to be revised to the correct format.

To view a complete list of the Call for Papers for Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, visit: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/future-generation-computer-systems/about/call-for-papers

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